单词详解 | garish

英音/ ˈɡeərɪʃ / 美音/ ˈɡerɪʃ /


She said the Queen had adapted her style to the shift dresses of the 1960s and the garish prints of the 1970s.
她说女王已经调整了自己的风格,以适应 20 世纪 60 年代的直筒连衣裙和 1970 年代的花哨印花。

Plus, the tour is well timed to the revival of “indie sleaze,” the garish, early-aughts hipster aesthetic of which Peaches served as soundtrack.
此外,这次巡演恰逢“独立肮脏”的复兴,这是一种花哨的、早期的时髦美学,Peaches 就是其中的配乐。
Washington Post

The coach hauled his 400-pound frame into his battered old truck and drove toward a nightmare of garish police lights and yellow crime tape.
教练把他重达 400 磅的车架拖进他那辆破旧的卡车里,驶向充满华丽警灯和黄色犯罪胶带的噩梦。
Washington Post

tastelessly showy


Garish comes to English from the Old Norse word gaurr, meaning “rough fellow.” It is often used to describe colors, clothing, decorations, and other things that can be elegant and tasteful. Because the word connotes bad taste, however, it is rarely used in a complimentary way. If you say to your friend, “I like your garish hair and makeup,” she is not likely to take it well, unless, of course, you are going to a 70s flashback party.
使用形容词 garish 来形容过于生动、明亮、浮夸和低俗的事物,比如 DJ 的花哨服装,让人回想起迪斯科时代。

Garish comes to English from the Old Norse word gaurr, meaning “rough fellow.” It is often used to describe colors, clothing, decorations, and other things that can be elegant and tasteful. Because the word connotes bad taste, however, it is rarely used in a complimentary way. If you say to your friend, “I like your garish hair and makeup,” she is not likely to take it well, unless, of course, you are going to a 70s flashback party.
Garish 源自古挪威语 gaurr,意思是“粗鲁的家伙”。常用来形容色彩、服饰、装饰品等高雅、有品位的事物。然而,因为这个词意味着低俗品味,所以很少以赞美的方式使用。如果你对你的朋友说:“我喜欢你花哨的头发和妆容”,她不太可能接受,当然,除非你要去参加 70 年代的闪回派对。

Wash extracted three additional feet, four hands and two heads painted with garish grins.
Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Pérez

There were garish balloons in her parents’ living room.
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The wind was blowing hard, and garish petals shook loose and tumbled back among the cars, sticking to the damp windshields like bits of confetti.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt

garish (adj.)”showy, dazzling,” especially “glaringly vulgar and gaudy,” 1540s, of unknown origin, possibly from obsolete Middle English gawren “to stare” (c. 1200), which is of uncertain origin (perhaps from Old Norse gaurr “rough fellow”) + -ish. Related: Garishly; garishness.Related entries & more

garish (adj.)“艳丽、令人眼花缭乱”,尤其是“明显粗俗和俗气”,1540 年代,来源不明,可能来自过时的中古英语 gawren“凝视”(约 1200 年),来源不确定(可能来自古语)挪威语 gaurr “粗鲁的家伙”) + -ish。相关:花哨;花哨。相关条目及更多

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