英音/ rɪˈtriːv / 美音/ rɪˈtriːv /
Delta Air Lines said in a statement on Tuesday that it had retrieved the slide from the jetty.
—New York Times
Last Wednesday, the authorities retrieved a dozen bodies of people who had drowned in the Mathare river following heavy rains the previous evening.
He noted that the “store was going to work with her on retrieving all of her property at a later time.”
—New York Times
get or find back; recover the use of
find,recover,regain,call back,call up,recall,recollect,remember,think
You might retrieve your cell phone from the car, or the toys a baby throws repeatedly on the floor. You can also retrieve a memory from the recesses of your mind, or struggle to remember someone’s name and then suddenly retrieve it. A retriever is a dog that’s bred to bring things back — in fact, this is the word’s earliest use, from the fifteenth century. The Old French root is retreuver, “find again,” from re-, “again,” and trouver, “to find.”
You might retrieve your cell phone from the car, or the toys a baby throws repeatedly on the floor. You can also retrieve a memory from the recesses of your mind, or struggle to remember someone’s name and then suddenly retrieve it. A retriever is a dog that’s bred to bring things back — in fact, this is the word’s earliest use, from the fifteenth century. The Old French root is retreuver, “find again,” from re-, “again,” and trouver, “to find.”
您可能会从车上取回手机,或者婴儿反复扔在地板上的玩具。你也可以从大脑深处找回一段记忆,或者努力记住某人的名字,然后突然找回它。猎犬是一种为了带东西回来而饲养的狗——事实上,这是这个词最早的使用,可以追溯到十五世纪。古法语词根是 retreuver,“再次寻找”,来自 re-,“再次”,和 trouver,“寻找”。
She went back to the bookshelf to retrieve the wooden pointer Papa had carved after the one Babulya had brought from Sarkel broke.
—Anya and the Dragon by Sofiya Pasternack
Brigit riffled inside and retrieved old styluses, a moldy Marveller-bar, and a huge skeleton key imprinted with a diamond and wrapped in thread.
布丽吉特翻遍了里面,取出了旧手写笔、一根发霉的 Marveller 棒和一把巨大的万能钥匙,上面印有钻石,并用线包裹着。
—The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton
Ella riffled through her satchel and retrieved a book almost the size of her.
—The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton
retrieve (v.)early 15c., retreven, “find or discover again,” originally in reference to dogs finding lost game, from retruev-, stem of Old French retreuver (Modern French retrouver) “find again, recover, meet again, recognize,” from re- “again” (see re-) + trouver “to find,” probably from Vulgar Latin *tropare “to compose,” from Greek tropos “a turn, way, manner” (from PIE root *trep- “to turn”).
Altered 16c. to retrive; modern form is from mid-17c. Specifically, of a dog, “to find and bring to hand game wounded or killed by a sportsman” is by 1856. The mental sense of “recall, recover by effort of memory” is from 1640s; computer sense of “obtain (stored information) again” is by 1962.Related entries & more
检索(v.)15世纪早期,retreven,“再次发现或发现”,最初指的是狗寻找丢失的游戏,来自retruev-,古法语retreuver(现代法语retrouver)的词干“再次发现,恢复,再次相遇,识别”源自 re- “再次”(参见 re-)+ trouver “发现”,可能源自通俗拉丁语 *tropare “撰写”,源自希腊语 tropos “转弯、方式、方式”(源自 PIE 词根 *trep- “转动”)。修改了16c。检索;现代形式是从 17 世纪中期开始的。具体来说,对于一只狗来说,“找到并把被运动员伤害或杀死的比赛带到手上”是在1856年。“回忆,通过记忆的努力恢复”的心理感觉是在1640年代;计算机意义上的“再次获取(存储的信息)”是 1962 年。相关条目及更多
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