单词详解 | seethe



Director Rex Daugherty’s production unfurls on scenic designer Nadir Bey’s simple yet evocative set, whose graffiti-scrawled surfaces and old-fashioned streetlight bulbs suggest an old city seething with modern passions.
导演 Rex Daugherty 的制作以风景设计师 Nadir Bey 的简单而令人回味的布景展开,其涂鸦潦草的表面和老式的路灯灯泡暗示着一座充满现代激情的古老城市。
Washington Post

The old stadium was a seething mass of orange, barely a seat to be had, and it rocked and juddered as United found their rhythm.

Yet again, they will seethe, Mr. Trump the carnival barker is seizing the microphone to talk about himself and take credit for the great victory.
Washington Times

foam as if boiling
vi. 沸腾;冒泡;激动


If a liquid seethes, it is boiling, but if it’s a person who’s seething, watch out! He or she is really angry!

In the cooking sense, to seethe means to "boil" and if you are seething with anger, you might say that your blood is boiling. However seethe can also mean "filled with activity." Imagine a room seething with excited people. Now imagine that you are watching that room from a balcony. See how the people move here and there? It’s almost as if they are bubbling around.

The black fly, up on the corner of the ceiling, seethed with resentment and irritation.
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

When it had finished its fussing, it seethed back down the New Meadows River, sluicing between the mainland and the islands.
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Gary D. Schmidt

A large, bulbous creature the size of a cow but with no distinct shape twisted and seethed along the ground in the corridor outside.
The Maze Runner by James Dashner

seethe (v.)Middle English sethen, from Old English seoþan "to boil, be heated to the boiling point, prepare (food) by boiling," also figurative, "be troubled in mind, brood" (class II strong verb; past tense seaþ, past participle soden), from Proto-Germanic seuthan (source also of Old Norse sjoða, Old Frisian siatha, Dutch zieden, Old High German siodan, German sieden "to seethe"), from PIE root seut- "to seethe, boil."
Driven out of its literal meaning by boil (v.); it survives largely in metaphoric extensions. Of a liquid, "to rise, surge, or foam" without reference to heat, from 1530s. Figurative use, of persons or populations, "to be in a state of inward agitation" is recorded from 1580s (implied in seething). It had transitive figurative uses in Old English, such as "to try by fire, to afflict with cares, be tossed about as in turbulent water." Now conjugated as a weak verb, its old past participle sodden (q.v.) is no longer felt as connected.Related entries & more 

seethe (v.)中古英语 sethen, 源自古英语 seoþan “煮沸,被加热到沸点,通过沸腾来准备(食物)”,也比喻,“心中有烦恼,育雏”(II 类强动词;过去时态 seaþ,过去分词 soden),源自原始日耳曼语 seuthan(也源自古诺尔斯语 sjoða、古弗里斯兰语 siatha、荷兰语 zieden、古高地德语 siodan、德语 sieden “沸腾”),源自 PIE 词根 seut-“to沸腾,沸腾。”被煮沸(v.)赶出其字面意思;它主要在隐喻扩展中存在。一种液体,“上升、涌动或起泡”,不涉及热量,从 1530 年代开始。从 1580 年代开始记录对人或人口“处于内心激动状态”的比喻使用(暗示沸腾)。它在古英语中具有及物性的比喻用法,例如“用火试,用忧虑折磨,像在湍急的水中一样被抛来抛去”。现在共轭为弱动词,它的旧过去分词 sodden (qv) 不再被认为是连接的。相关条目及更多

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