英音/ ˈʃʌf(ə)l / 美音/ ˈʃʌf(ə)l /
Lawmakers shuffled more than $1 billion from the spending plan Moore drafted in January.
立法者从摩尔 1 月份起草的支出计划中删除了超过 10 亿美元。
—Washington Post
The group then shuffled into the main hallway, some hopeful, some suspicious of whether the opportunities outlined by the pastor and other organizers would truly materialize.
—Washington Post
He could recite every page from a small-town phone book or the exact order of a shuffled 52-card deck after hearing it just once.
他只需听一次就能背出小镇电话簿中的每一页,或者一副洗过的 52 张牌的确切顺序。
—Washington Post
walk by dragging one’s feet
Shuffle also means to wiggle around, like if you shuffle uncomfortably in your seat while watching a five-hour movie. If you get lost in the shuffle, you’re lost in the crowd. Another way to use shuffle is to mean “mix up in a random way,” as you do with a deck of cards before dealing a hand. Shuffle probably comes from the Low German word schuffeln, which means both “to walk clumsily” and “to deal dishonestly.”
Shuffle also means to wiggle around, like if you shuffle uncomfortably in your seat while watching a five-hour movie. If you get lost in the shuffle, you’re lost in the crowd. Another way to use shuffle is to mean “mix up in a random way,” as you do with a deck of cards before dealing a hand. Shuffle probably comes from the Low German word schuffeln, which means both “to walk clumsily” and “to deal dishonestly.”
Shuffle 也意味着扭动身体,就像你在看一部 5 小时的电影时在座位上不舒服地拖着脚步一样。如果你在混乱中迷失了方向,你就会迷失在人群中。另一种使用洗牌的方式是“以随机方式混合”,就像在发牌之前处理一副牌一样。 Shuffle 可能源自低地德语单词 schuffeln,意思是“笨拙地行走”和“不诚实地交易”。
He fell down at the sudden movement and shuffled backward on his hands and feet, drops of sweat beading on his forehead despite the cool air.
—The Maze Runner by James Dashner
I spend what must be an entire day listening to Ben shuffle around the room.
—The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera
Everyone shuffled out of the room back into the lobby.
—The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson
shuffle (v.)1530s, “put together hastily,” probably from Middle English shovelen “to move with dragging feet,” itself probably a frequentative form of shoven (see shove (v.) and compare scuffle). Or perhaps from Low German schuffeln “to walk clumsily, deal dishonestly.”In reference to playing cards in a pack, “change the relative position of so that they may fall to players in an irregular and unknown order,” it is recorded by 1560s, frequently figurative. The meaning “move the feet along the floor without lifting them” is from 1570s.The meaning “push along gradually, shove little by little” is from 1560s. The meaning “move from one place to another” is from 1690s. The sense of “do a shuffle dance” is by 1818 (Scott, in reference to a dancing bear). Related: Shuffled; shuffling. To shuffle off “get rid of, dispose of” is from Shakespeare (1601).Related entries & more
shuffle (v.)1530s,“匆忙地放在一起”,可能来自中古英语 shovelen “拖着脚移动”,本身可能是 shoven 的常见形式(参见 shove (v.) 并比较 scuffle)。或者可能源自低地德语 schuffeln,“笨拙地行走,不诚实地交易。”在 1560 年代,关于一包扑克牌,“改变 的相对位置,以便它们可能以不规则和未知的顺序落到玩家手中”。 ,常常是比喻性的。 “沿着地板移动脚而不抬起脚”的意思来自 1570 年代。“逐渐推动,一点一点地推”的意思来自 1560 年代。 “从一个地方移动到另一个地方”的意思是从 1690 年代开始的。 “跳拖曳舞”的意思是在 1818 年(斯科特,指的是一只跳舞的熊)。相关:洗牌;洗牌。洗掉“摆脱,处置”来自莎士比亚(1601)。相关条目及更多
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