英音/ ˈkætəkuːmz / 美音/ ˈkætəkoʊmz /
The churches share the same holy sites, perhaps the most important being the Monastery of the Caves and its catacombs holding the bodies of saints deeply revered in both Ukraine and Russia.
—New York Times
“There is no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl underground through these industrial facilities,” he said, while praising Mr Shoigu for the successful operation to “liberate Mariupol” from Ukraine.
In contrast, the catacombs take up no existing land.
—The Guardian
地下墓穴(catacomb 的复数);陵寝
You’re most likely to come across this word in its plural form, catacombs, and it’s almost always used in the context of the ancient Roman empire. A catacomb is shaped like a long tunnel, with space for bodies to be buried, often in tombs. The root word is the Late Latin catacumbae, which refers to one specific catacomb under the Appian Way in ancient Rome, in which the Biblical apostles Peter and Paul are said to be buried.
You’re most likely to come across this word in its plural form, catacombs, and it’s almost always used in the context of the ancient Roman empire. A catacomb is shaped like a long tunnel, with space for bodies to be buried, often in tombs. The root word is the Late Latin catacumbae, which refers to one specific catacomb under the Appian Way in ancient Rome, in which the Biblical apostles Peter and Paul are said to be buried.
There was an immense sighing and moaning, like a subterranean bellows breathing in the lost catacombs.
—The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
The story of their adventure into the catacombs was evident from the dirt encrusted in their clothes and the smiles etched onto their faces.
—City Spies by James Ponti
They told of the places they had been, which mostly seemed to be catacombs and plague-pits.
—The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
catacomb (n.)”underground burial place,” usually catacombs, from Old English catacumbas, from Late Latin catacumbae (plural) “sepulchral vaults,” originally the region of underground tombs near Rome between the 2nd and 3rd milestones of the Appian Way (where the bodies of apostles Paul and Peter, among others, were said to have been laid); the word is of obscure origin, perhaps once a proper name, or dissimilation from Latin cata tumbas “at the graves,” from cata- “among” + tumbas, accusative plural of tumba “tomb” (see tomb).
If so, the word perhaps was altered by influence of Latin -cumbere “to lie.” From the same source are French catacombe, Italian catacomba, Spanish catacumba. Extended by 1836 in English to any subterranean receptacle of the dead (as in Paris). Related: Catacumbal.Related entries & more
迪阿马布(n。)“地下墓地”,通常来自旧英国塔巴库巴斯的地下墓穴,来自拉丁墓穴后期(复数)“坟墓”,是罗马附近的地下墓地,最初是阿皮亚之路第二和第三个里程碑之间的地下坟墓(据说使徒保罗和彼得等人的尸体被搁置了);这个词是晦涩难懂的起源,也许是一个专有名称,或者与拉丁语cata tumbas的“坟墓”中的cata-“ + tumbas”中的cata-,tumba“ tomb”(见墓)中的cata-”。如果是这样,这个词可能会因拉丁语-cumbere的影响而改变。来自同一来源的是法国墓穴,意大利墓穴,西班牙塔巴库巴。 1836年以英语扩展到死者的任何地下容器(如巴黎)。相关:disacumbal。相关条目及更多
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