单词详解 | priest



Hundreds of Orthodox priests in Ukraine had signed an open letter demanding that Patriarch Kirill face a religious tribunal over the war.
New York Times

Dmytro Horevoi, a religious scholar and director of the Religious Security Center in Kyiv, recently wrote in an online journal about the difficult situation many priests find themselves in, wanting to remain neutral.
宗教学者兼基辅宗教安全中心主任德米特罗·霍雷沃伊 (Dmytro Horevoi) 最近在一份在线期刊上写道,许多神父发现自己身处困境,希望保持中立。
New York Times

Over the past two decades, a grand jury in Pennsylvania issued a report alleging that more than 300 priests in six dioceses abused 1,000 children over seven decades.
在过去的二十年里,宾夕法尼亚州的一个大陪审团发布了一份报告,指控 6 个教区的 300 多名牧师在 7 年的时间里虐待了 1000 名儿童。
Washington Post

a clergyman in Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites; one of the Holy Orders
n. 牧师,神职人员;木渔槌(垂钓时用以打死已上钩的鱼)

non-Christian priest

A priest is a religious figure who performs ceremonies, particularly in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, or Orthodox church. During a Catholic baptism, a priest sprinkles holy water on a baby’s head.

Though priests are often thought of as Christian, there are other religions with priests, including some branches of Shintoism and Hinduism. Priests often lead religious services, perform weddings and other religious rites, and in many cases work full time for their churches. Priest comes from the Old English prēost, and it shares a root with Presbyterian, the Greek presbyteros, "an elder."
虽然牧师通常被认为是基督教徒,但其他宗教也有牧师,包括神道教和印度教的一些分支。牧师经常主持宗教仪式、举行婚礼和其他宗教仪式,并且在许多情况下全职为他们的教堂工作。 Priest 来自古英语 prēost,它与希腊语 presbyteros“长老”Presbyterian 共享一个词根。

When the last priest had left, harangued back to Athens after a mere three months, the family had hoped that Father Mike might be promoted.
Middlesex: A Novel by Jeffrey Eugenides

“Good afternoon, my name is Leonardo. Pm the new priest. Pm here to serve you,” he said.
“下午好,我叫莱昂纳多。 PM新牧师。 Pm 在这里为您服务,”他说。
Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario

This priest’s frankness had touched me more than a decree.
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

priest (n.)Middle English prēst, "cleric ranking below a bishop and above a deacon, a parish priest," from Old English preost, which probably was shortened from the older Germanic form represented by Old Saxon and Old High German prestar, Old Frisian prestere, all from Vulgar Latin prester "priest," from Late Latin presbyter "presbyter, elder," from Greek presbyteros "elder (of two), old, venerable," comparative of presbys "old" (see presby-).In Middle English also used generally for any man holding high Church office or anyone duly authorized to be a minister of sacred things; from c. 1200 of pagan and Muslim religious leaders. In the Old Testament sense (Old English), it is a translation of Hebrew kohen, Greek hiereus, Latin sacerdos.Related entries & more 

priest (n.)Middle English prēst,“神职人员等级低于主教,高于执事,教区牧师”,来自古英语 preost,可能是从古撒克逊人和古高地德语 prestar 代表的古日耳曼语形式缩写而来弗里斯兰语 prestere,全部源自通俗拉丁语
prester“牧师”,源自晚期拉丁语 presbyter“长老,长老”,源自希腊语 presbyteros“长者(两人),年长,可敬”,presbys“老”的比较级(参见 presby-)。在中古英语中,也普遍用于任何担任教会高级职位的人或任何被正式授权担任圣事部长的人;来自c。 1200 名异教徒和穆斯林宗教领袖。在旧约意义上(古英语),它是希伯来语 kohen、希腊语 hiereus、拉丁语 sacerdos 的翻译。相关条目及更多

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