单词详解 | dismay

英音/ dɪsˈmeɪ / 美音/ dɪsˈmeɪ /


Liam Kelly, from the Police Federation for Northern Ireland, said affected communities would view the decision “with dismay and disappointment”.

Scientists in the US, Australia, Kenya and Brazil told BBC News about feeling dismay and even anger as they watched the coral they love threatened or killed by warm oceans.

The much photographed tree, which has stood next to the Roman wall since the late 1800s, was cut down in September causing an international outpouring of shock and dismay.
这棵自 1800 年代末以来一直矗立在罗马城墙旁、备受人们拍照的树于 9 月被砍伐,引起了国际社会的震惊和沮丧。



The first part of dismay comes from the Latin prefix dis-, which comes in handy when you want to put a negative spin on words (dishonest, discount, disenchant, etc.). The last bit of dismay most likely comes from the Germanic word magan, meaning “to be able to.” You can employ the word dismay to describe how you feel in a variety of negative situations that you doubt you are able to handle.

The first part of dismay comes from the Latin prefix dis-, which comes in handy when you want to put a negative spin on words (dishonest, discount, disenchant, etc.). The last bit of dismay most likely comes from the Germanic word magan, meaning “to be able to.” You can employ the word dismay to describe how you feel in a variety of negative situations that you doubt you are able to handle.
dismay 的第一部分来自拉丁语前缀 dis-,当你想对单词施加负面含义(不诚实、折扣、失望等)时,它会派上用场。最后一点沮丧很可能来自日耳曼语单词 magan,意思是“能够”。您可以使用“沮丧”一词来描述您在怀疑自己是否能够处理的各种负面情况下的感受。

Like his spirit, Taran’s dreams were confused, filled with dismay and fear.
The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander

“I can’t. I’m not playing, I never do,” said Frank, dismayed at the sentimental predicament out of which he was to rescue the absurd couple.
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

So imperfect was this realisation of the first of my great expectations, that I looked in dismay at Mr. Wemmick.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

dismay (v.)c. 1300, dismaien, “become or be alarmed, upset, or frightened; to confound, break down the courage of by danger or difficulty or fear of calamity, fill with despairing apprehension;” perhaps formed in Anglo-French or Middle English from dis-, here probably intensive (see dis-), + amaien, esmaien, from Old French esmaier “to trouble, disturb.”
This is from Vulgar Latin *exmagare “divest of power or ability” (source of Italian smagare “to weaken, dismay, discourage”), from ex- (see ex-) + Proto-Germanic *magan “to be able” (source also of Old High German magen “to be powerful or able”), from PIE root *magh- “to be able, have power.”
There also was an Old French *desmaier (attested only in past participle dismaye), from de-, intensive prefix, + Old French esmaier, which also might be the source of the Middle English word.  Spanish desmayer “to be dispirited” is a loan word from Old French. Related: Dismayed; dismaying.Related entries & more

沮丧 (v.)c. 1300,dismaien,“变得惊慌、不安或害怕;因危险、困难或对灾难的恐惧而感到困惑、崩溃,充满绝望的忧虑;”可能在英法语或中古英语中由 dis- 形成,这里可能是强化的(参见 dis-),+ amaien, esmaien,源自古法语 esmaier“麻烦,打扰”。这源自通俗拉丁语 *exmagare“剥夺权力或能力”(意大利语 smagare 的来源“削弱、沮丧、劝阻”),源自 ex-(参见 ex-)+ 原始日耳曼语 *magan“能够”(来源也属于古高地德语 magen“强大或能够”),源自 PIE 词根 *magh-“能够,拥有力量”。还有一个古法语*desmaier(仅在过去分词dismaye中得到证明),来自de-,密集前缀+古法语esmaier,这也可能是中古英语单词的来源。 西班牙语 desmayer 意为“沮丧”,是古法语的借用词。相关:沮丧;令人沮丧。相关条目及更多

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