单词详解 | derision

2022年 11月 17日 engapi 0

derision音标:美音:/dɪˈrɪʒn/,英音:/dɪˈrɪʒn/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:Images of German Economy Minister and Green politician Robert Habeck g

单词详解 | remiss

2022年 11月 16日 engapi 0

remiss音标:美音:/rɪˈmɪs/,英音:/rɪˈmɪs/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:“If I got into any form of politics, I’d be remiss not to also go in as an

单词详解 | stint

2022年 11月 16日 engapi 0

stint音标:美音:/stɪnt/,英音:/stɪnt/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:He was The Post’s business editor for more than seven years, and before that

单词详解 | laid-back

2022年 11月 15日 engapi 0

laid-back音标:美音:/ˌleɪd ˈbæk/,英音:/ˌleɪd ˈbæk/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:With a wave from my laid-back parents, I got on a bus and arriv

单词详解 | spurn

2022年 11月 15日 engapi 0

spurn音标:美音:/spɜːrn/,英音:/spɜːn/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:However spurned Charles might have felt, they continued to be a part of each

单词详解 | brag

2022年 11月 14日 engapi 0

brag音标:美音:/bræɡ/,英音:/bræɡ/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:So have gasoline prices across the United States, dampening what had been a favo

单词详解 | debilitate

2022年 11月 11日 engapi 0

debilitate音标:美音:/dɪˈbɪlɪteɪt/,英音:/dɪˈbɪlɪteɪt/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:Her injuries, which sent her to an emergency room and are st

单词详解 | cutback

2022年 11月 11日 engapi 0

cutback音标:美音:/ˈkʌtbæk/,英音:/ˈkʌtbæk/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:The BBC is facing cutbacks after the government announced in January th

单词详解 | seethe

2022年 11月 10日 engapi 0

seethe音标:美音:/siːð/,英音:/siːð/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:Director Rex Daugherty’s production unfurls on scenic designer Nadir Bey’s sim

单词详解 | cohesion

2022年 11月 9日 engapi 0

cohesion音标:美音:/koʊˈhiːʒ(ə)n/,英音:/kəʊˈhiːʒ(ə)n/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:The last 20 years shows that population growth spawns divers