单词详解 | smother

英音/ ˈsmʌðə(r) / 美音/ ˈsmʌðər /


Then the mud, slippery and smothering before it began to bake under the heat.
New York Times

Vaishali is the sort of tenacious attacker who can play a line that’s not particularly favoured by chess engines, sacrifice a number of pieces, create a web of tactical complexities and smother the opponent.
Vaishali 是那种顽强的攻击者,他可以走国际象棋引擎不特别喜欢的路线,牺牲大量棋子,创造一个复杂的战术网络并压制对手。

Crysencio Summerville is released down the left, wriggling into the box in that stuttering high-speed style, but the Potters have plenty back to smother.

deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing

asphyxiate,suffocate,put out,muffle,repress,stifle,strangle,surround,clutter,fuddle,jumble,mare’s nest,muddle,welter

The word smother literally means to deprive of oxygen, so it can be used to refer to someone who gets suffocated by a pillow. In everyday conversation, the word is often used to refer to the act of making someone feel like they’re being deprived of oxygen or personal space. If you have a mother who likes to smother you by asking where you’re going every time you see her, then it’s likely you’re already dreaming of moving out!

The word smother literally means to deprive of oxygen, so it can be used to refer to someone who gets suffocated by a pillow. In everyday conversation, the word is often used to refer to the act of making someone feel like they’re being deprived of oxygen or personal space. If you have a mother who likes to smother you by asking where you’re going every time you see her, then it’s likely you’re already dreaming of moving out!

I smothered my breakfast in syrup, not sure if I should say anything.
Sir Fig Newton and the Science of Persistence by Sonja Thomas

A nor’easter howled in from the Atlantic and smothered Salem in snowdrifts.
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham

She sucked in a breath and smothered a whimper.
Summer of the Mariposas by Guadalupe García McCall

smother (v.)c. 1400, a variant or contraction of smorther “suffocate with smoke” (c. 1200, implied in smorthering “producing noxious smoke”), from smorthre (n.) “dense, suffocating smoke, suffocating vapor” (late 12c.), which is from a suffixed form of the source of Middle English smoren (v.), Old English smorian “suffocate, choke, strangle, stifle.” This is cognate with Middle Dutch smoren, German schmoren “stew, swelter;” the group is possibly connected to smolder.
The meaning “kill by suffocation in any manner, stifle the respiration of” is from 1540s; the sense of “extinguish or deaden a fire by covering it” is from 1590s. Hence the general and figurative sense of “stifle, repress,” recorded from 1570s. The meaning “cover thickly (with some substance)” is from 1590s. To smother up “wrap up so as to seem or feel smothered” is from 1580s. Related: Smothered; smothering. Smotheration “act or state of being smothered” (1826) was a New England word.Related entries & more

窒息(v.)c。 1400,smorther“因烟雾而窒息”的变体或缩写(约1200年,暗示smorthering“产生有毒烟雾”),来自smorthre(n.)“浓密的,令人窒息的烟雾,令人窒息的蒸气”(12世纪末),其中源自中古英语 smoren (v.) 来源的后缀形式,古英语 smorian “窒息、窒息、勒死、窒息”。这与中古荷兰语 smoren、德语 schmoren 同源,意为“炖,闷热”。该组织可能与阴燃有关。 “以任何方式窒息而死,窒息”的意思来自1540年代; “通过覆盖火来扑灭或扑灭火”的含义来自 1590 年代。因此,从 1570 年代开始记录的“扼杀、镇压”的一般意义和比喻意义就是如此。 “厚厚地覆盖(用某种物质)”的意思来自 1590 年代。窒息 “包裹起来,以便看起来或感觉窒息”来自 1580 年代。相关:窒息;令人窒息。 Smotheration “被窒息的行为或状态”(1826)是一个新英格兰词。相关条目及更多

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