单词详解 | hitch

英音/ hɪtʃ / 美音/ hɪtʃ /


But there was a hitch: They would be coming from the assembly line at General Dynamics and could take a year or more to arrive in the country.
Washington Times

Mr Yousaf’s approach appears designed to hitch the party back on to the independence wagon.

While the florist, caterer and baker could not bypass the floods to make it to Robert Connelly and Annalisa Falanga’s wedding at Kilmartin Castle on Saturday – the celebrant hitched a ride on a tractor.

hook or entangle
搭便车(旅行),搭顺风车;拴住,套住,钩住;将(动物)套上车;提起,拉起(衣服);攀上,爬上;<非正式>结婚(get hitched)

catch,duty tour,enlistment,term of enlistment,tour,tour of duty,hitchhike,thumb,gimp,hobble,limp,hobble,limp,hang-up,rub,snag,encumbrance,hinderance,hindrance,incumbrance,interference,preventative,preventive,arrest,check,halt,stay,stop,stoppage,buck,jerk

The word hitch has a gazillion meanings — it’s a hook, a limp, short for hitchhiking, slang for getting married — but the most common meaning is that a hitch is a little problem. If you’ve packed a picnic and then it rains, the weather is a hitch in your plans. Hitches include hang-ups, snafus, impediments, and other things that interfere. Often this term is used in the phrase “without a hitch” for things that go smoothly.

The word hitch has a gazillion meanings — it’s a hook, a limp, short for hitchhiking, slang for getting married — but the most common meaning is that a hitch is a little problem. If you’ve packed a picnic and then it rains, the weather is a hitch in your plans. Hitches include hang-ups, snafus, impediments, and other things that interfere. Often this term is used in the phrase “without a hitch” for things that go smoothly.

They walked on and found a military wagon with a horse hitched to it.
Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps by Andrea Warren

Now I can make every knot he knows, even the clove hitch, which I did backward for a few months before I got it right.
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead

The; walk to Friendly takes a good long time unless I hitch a ride.
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

hitch (v.)mid-15c., probably from Middle English icchen “to move as with jerks or pauses; to stir” (c. 1200), a word of unknown origin. The connection with icchen might be in notion of “hitching up” pants or boots with a jerking motion. Sense of “become fastened,” especially by a hook, first recorded 1570s, originally nautical. Meaning “to marry” is from 1844 (to hitch horses together “get along well,” especially of married couples, is from 1837, American English). Short for hitchhike (v.) by 1931. Related: Hitched; hitching. To (figuratively) hitch (one’s) wagon to a star is by 1862.Related entries & more

hitch (v.)mid-15c.,可能来自中古英语 icchen “像抽动或停顿一样移动;搅拌”(约 1200 年),一个来源不明的词。与 icchen 的联系可能是通过猛拉动作“拉起”裤子或靴子的概念。 “被固定”的意思,尤其是通过钩子,首次记录于 1570 年代,最初是航海方面的。 “结婚”的意思源自 1844 年(“把马拴在一起”“相处融洽”,尤其是已婚夫妇,源自 1837 年美式英语)。 1931 年成为 hitchhike (v.) 的缩写。搭便车。 (象征性地)将(某人的)马车拴在一颗星星上是在 1862 年。相关条目及更多

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