英音/ fiˈæskəʊ / 美音/ fiˈæskoʊ /
That penalty was part of a long-running fiasco in Downing Street that hit hard because of the public’s own agony over lockdown and Mr Johnson’s unusual relationship with the truth.
Even before the fiasco began Mr DeSantis was being criticised for launching this way.
Willie Rennie of the Scottish Liberal Democrats said the ferry deal was an “utter fiasco” but said Mr Gray didn’t have a choice but to press ahead.
a complete failure or collapse
Fiasco comes from the Italian term that means “to make a bottle.” How it came to describe an utter, embarrassing, disaster in the English language is still unknown. Today, you’ll hear fiasco used in situations that have gone so horribly awry that they are almost laughable, like the Thanksgiving dinner fiasco in which the turkey burnt to a crisp, the dog ate all the side dishes, and everyone had to eat frozen pizza instead.
Fiasco comes from the Italian term that means “to make a bottle.” How it came to describe an utter, embarrassing, disaster in the English language is still unknown. Today, you’ll hear fiasco used in situations that have gone so horribly awry that they are almost laughable, like the Thanksgiving dinner fiasco in which the turkey burnt to a crisp, the dog ate all the side dishes, and everyone had to eat frozen pizza instead.
I told him about the butter fiasco and asked him when he’d planned on giving me the necklace.
—The Line Tender by Kate Allen
Do you know of the Jameson Raid, described as a “fiasco”? Marvellous punctuation story.
—Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Author
The Warlord gave his horde time to recuperate from the fiasco: a whole day’s leisure, with no recriminations and hardly any orders.
—Redwall by Brian Jacques
fiasco (n.)1855, theater slang for “a failure in performance;” by 1862 it had acquired the general sense of “any ignominious failure or dismal flop,” on or off the stage. It comes via the French phrase faire fiasco “turn out a failure” (19c.), from Italian far fiasco “suffer a complete breakdown in performance,” literally “make a bottle,” from fiasco (plural fiaschi) “bottle,” from Late Latin flasco “bottle” (see flask).
The literal sense of the image (if it is one) is obscure today, but “the usual range of fanciful theories has been advanced” [Ayto]. Century Dictionary says “perhaps in allusion to the bursting of a bottle,” Weekley pronounces it impenetrable and compares French ramasser un pelle “to come a cropper (in bicycling), literally to pick up a shovel.” OED keeps its distance and lets nameless “Italian etymologists” make nebulous reference to “alleged incidents in Italian theatrical history.” Klein suggests Venetian glass-crafters tossing aside imperfect pieces to be made later into common flasks.
But according to an Italian dictionary, fare il fiasco used to mean “to play a game so that the one that loses will pay the fiasco,” in other words, he will buy the next bottle (of wine). If the dates are not objectionable, that plausibly connects the literal sense of the word with the notion of “a costly mistake.”Related entries & more
fiasco (n.)1855,剧院俚语,意为“表演失败”;到1862年,它已经获得了“舞台内外任何不光彩的失败或令人沮丧的失败”的普遍含义。它来自法语短语 faire fiasco“结果失败”(19c.),来自意大利语 far fiasco“性能完全崩溃”,字面意思是“制造一个瓶子”,来自 fiasco(复数 fiaschi)“瓶子”,来自晚期拉丁语flasco“瓶子”(见烧瓶)。如今,这个图像的字面意义(如果有的话)还很模糊,但“通常范围的奇特理论已经得到了发展”[Ayto]。 《世纪词典》称“也许是指瓶子的破裂”,威克利称其难以理解,并将法语中的“ramasser un pelle”比作“来一个庄稼人(骑自行车时),字面意思是拿起铲子”。 《牛津英语词典》保持距离,让无名的“意大利词源学家”模糊地提及“意大利戏剧史上所谓的事件”。克莱因建议威尼斯玻璃工匠将不完美的碎片扔掉,稍后制作成普通的烧瓶。但根据意大利语词典,fare il fiasco 过去的意思是“玩一场游戏,让输了的人付出惨败的代价”,换句话说,他会买下一瓶(酒)。如果日期没有令人反感,那么这似乎将这个词的字面意义与“代价高昂的错误”的概念联系起来。相关条目及更多
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