英音/ ˈeθnɪk / 美音/ ˈeθnɪk /
So it was peculiar when a street brawl broke out among mostly ethnic Chinese demonstrators.
—New York Times
The security forces have also set up check-points across the region, with reports that many Amharas have in recent months been barred from travelling to Addis Ababa, raising concerns of ethnic profiling.
It is still used today by the farmers and young men who have formed militias to defend the Amhara people whose future, they believe, is threatened by the government and other ethnic groups.
denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people
The word ethnic comes from the Greek ethnos, “nation,” “people.” Groups of people from specific areas who share the same or similar customs are ethnic groups. People who resettle in other countries often bring their distinctive traditions with them, including language, food, lifestyle, and music. There are ethnic restaurants, shops, and neighborhoods around the world, including Indian buffets, Italian shoe makers, and Greek Towns and China Towns.
The word ethnic comes from the Greek ethnos, “nation,” “people.” Groups of people from specific areas who share the same or similar customs are ethnic groups. People who resettle in other countries often bring their distinctive traditions with them, including language, food, lifestyle, and music. There are ethnic restaurants, shops, and neighborhoods around the world, including Indian buffets, Italian shoe makers, and Greek Towns and China Towns.
Ultimately, it led to the establishment of ethnic studies departments where courses were offered in such fields as nineteenth-century black history and Hispanic-American folk art.
—Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez
He made every effort to understand Seoul’s culture and to fit in, believing that ethnic identity was the central problem of his life.
—Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder and Michael French
The Germans are upset at stories that Czechs and Poles are abusing ethnic Germans living in Czechoslovakia and Poland.
—The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
ethnic (adj.)late 15c. (earlier ethnical, early 15c.) “pagan, heathen,” from Late Latin ethnicus, from Greek ethnikos “of or for a nation, national,” by some writers (Polybius, etc.) “adopted to the genius or customs of a people, peculiar to a people,” and among the grammarians “suited to the manners or language of foreigners,” from ethnos “band of people living together, nation, people, tribe, caste,” also used of swarms or flocks of animals, properly “people of one’s own kind,” from PIE *swedh-no-, suffixed form of root *s(w)e-, third person pronoun and reflexive, also forming words referring to the social group (see idiom). Earlier in English as a noun, “a heathen, pagan, one who is not a Christian or Jew” (c. 1400). In modern noun use, “member of an ethnic group,” from 1945.In Septuagint, Greek ta ethne translates Hebrew goyim, plural of goy “nation,” especially of non-Israelites, hence especially “gentile nation, foreign nation not worshipping the true God” (see goy), and ethnikos is used by ecclesiastical writers in a sense of “savoring of the nature of pagans, alien to the worship of the true God,” and as a noun “the pagan, the gentile.” The classical sense of “peculiar to a race or nation” in English is attested from 1851, a return to the word’s original meaning; that of “different cultural groups” is 1935; and that of “racial, cultural or national minority group” is American English 1945. Ethnic cleansing is attested from 1991.Although the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ has come into English usage only recently, its verbal correlates in Czech, French, German, and Polish go back much further. [Jerry Z. Muller, “Us and Them: The Enduring Power of Ethnic Nationalism,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2008]Related entries & more
民族 (adj.) 晚 15c. (早期的种族,15世纪早期)“异教徒,异教徒”,源自晚期拉丁语ethicus,源自希腊语ethnikos“属于或为了一个国家、民族”,一些作家(波利比乌斯等)“采用了一个民族的天才或习俗” people,一个民族所特有的”,在语法学家中,“适合外国人的方式或语言”,来自ethnos“一群生活在一起的人,民族,人民,部落,种姓”,也用于群体或动物群,正确的“people of one’s own kind”源自 PIE *swedh-no-,词根 *s(w)e- 的后缀形式,第三人称代词和反身词,也构成指称社会群体的单词(参见成语)。早期在英语中作为名词,“异教徒、异教徒、非基督徒或犹太人的人”(约1400年)。在现代名词使用中,自 1945 年以来,“族裔群体的成员”。在《七十士译本》中,希腊语 ta ethne 翻译为希伯来语 goyim,goy“民族”的复数形式,特指非以色列人,因此特指“外邦民族,不崇拜以色列人的外国民族”。真神”(见 goy),而 ethnikos 被教会作家用来表示“品味异教徒的本性,与对真神的崇拜格格不入”,并作为名词“异教徒、外邦人”。英语中“种族或民族特有”的经典含义自1851年起得到证实,回归到该词的原始含义; “不同文化群体”是1935年; “种族、文化或民族少数群体”一词是 1945 年美式英语。种族清洗从 1991 年开始得到证实。虽然“种族清洗”一词最近才开始在英语中使用,但它在捷克语、法语、德语和波兰人的历史可以追溯到更远的地方。 [Jerry Z. Muller,“我们和他们:种族民族主义的持久力量”,外交事务,2008 年 3 月/4 月]相关条目及更多内容
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