英音/ rɪˈpliːt / 美音/ rɪˈpliːt /
David Carter, the stricken rider, made a public Facebook post Sunday regarding the incident replete with photos of the phone and his bleeding head.
周日,受伤的骑手戴维·卡特(David Carter)在脸书上发布了一篇关于这起事件的公开帖子,其中贴满了手机和他流血的头部的照片。
—Washington Times
Gen. Jay Garner, the American tasked with overseeing Iraq’s postwar reconstruction, would constitute a towering moment of hubris in a foreign policy misadventure tragically replete with them.
—New York Times
Melding the argots of Silicon Valley and self-care, Joyous delivers treatment primarily by text message, replete with exclamation points and emojis.
Joyous 融合了硅谷的行话和自我保健,主要通过短信提供治疗,短信中充满了感叹号和表情符号。
—New York Times
filled to satisfaction with food or drink
Replete shares a root with the word plenty. When you have plenty of cookies and cake, you can say your table is replete with goodies. Another cousin of replete is replenish. When your cabinets are bare, you go to the store to replenish them. When you unpack your groceries, your pantry is replete with essentials.
充满意味着充实,通常是以一种令人满意的方式。 “图书馆里堆满了装订的第一版,露西这个书虫,在那里比在其他任何地方都开心。”
Replete shares a root with the word plenty. When you have plenty of cookies and cake, you can say your table is replete with goodies. Another cousin of replete is replenish. When your cabinets are bare, you go to the store to replenish them. When you unpack your groceries, your pantry is replete with essentials.
Replete 与“丰富”一词同根。当你有足够的饼干和蛋糕时,你可以说你的桌子上摆满了好吃的东西。充满的另一个表亲是补充。当你的柜子空了的时候,你就去商店补充。当您打开杂货包装时,您的食品储藏室里装满了必需品。
This would not be a Clive James book if it were not also replete with offbeat humor and flyaway cultural observations.
—Review: Clive James, Writing Toward the Twilight by Dwight Garner
A foldout map of Machine Project’s storefront, replete with “holes and stains, explained” is followed by a history of “Every Poetry Project Ever” — compiled by memory.
—Iconic alt-art space Machine Project launching retrospective book with a free ‘extravaganza’ by Agatha French
A separate cabin for the privileged few — replete with lie-flat seats, dozens of channels, beauty and grooming products and a seemingly endless parade of appealing food — was a risky departure.
—JetBlue Mint to Travel to Caribbean in High-Flying Style by Stephanie Rosenbloom
replete (adj.)late 14c., “filled (with something); completely full, filled to satisfaction,” from Old French replet “filled up” (14c.) and directly from Latin repletus “filled, full,” past participle of replere “to fill; fill again, re-fill,” from re- “back, again” (here perhaps an intensive prefix based on the notion of “fill repeatedly,” thus “fill completely;” see re-) + plere “to fill” (from PIE root *pele- (1) “to fill”). Related: Repleteness.Related entries & more
replete (adj.)late 14c., “充满(用某物);完全充满,充满到满意”,源自古法语 replet“充满”(14c.),直接源自拉丁语 repletus“充满,充满”,的过去分词replere“填充;再次填充,重新填充”,来自 re-“返回,再次”(这里可能是基于“重复填充”概念的密集前缀,因此“完全填充;”参见 re-)+ plere “填充”(来自 PIE 根 *pele- (1) “填充”)。相关:丰富性。相关条目及更多
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