单词详解 | ostracize

英音/ ˈɒstrəsaɪz /美音/ ˈɑːstrəsaɪz /


He said that his family has been ostracized and he has prayed alone in his jail cell.
New York Times

What democracies need, he added, are investments in improvements — the best ideas, no matter where they come from — and a strong commitment to ostracizing those who violate rules and norms.
New York Times

“These women essentially sold themselves to save their families. … Rather than being supported, they were ostracized,” she said.
“这些女性实际上是为了拯救家人而出卖自己的。 ……他们非但没有得到支持,反而遭到排斥,”她说。
Washington Post

expel from a community or group

ban,banish,blackball,cast out,ostracise,shun,ostracise

Ostraka is an ancient Greek word for pottery shard. Thousands of years ago, in the Greek city of Athens, there was a public process where you would write the name of someone you wanted to kick out of town on a broken ceramic fragment. If enough Athenians wrote the same name, that person was sent away for ten years. This process was called an ostracism.

Ostraka is an ancient Greek word for pottery shard. Thousands of years ago, in the Greek city of Athens, there was a public process where you would write the name of someone you wanted to kick out of town on a broken ceramic fragment. If enough Athenians wrote the same name, that person was sent away for ten years. This process was called an ostracism.
Ostraka 是古希腊语,意为陶器碎片。几千年前,在希腊雅典城,有一个公共程序,你可以在一块破碎的陶瓷碎片上写下你想踢出城的人的名字。如果有足够多的雅典人写下同样的名字,这个人就会被放逐十年。这个过程被称为排斥。

“We used to ostracize everyone, even each other.”
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

“Bruno was bullied and ostracized, alone and afraid. The city was a large and unforgiving place. Especially for those who seemed different. Especially for those who had no family, no community.”
I Can Make This Promise by Christine Day

Sentenced to prison for treason, Burnham instead winds up as an ostracized temp on the USS Discovery.
Perspective | TV needs a really great space saga. ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ comes close, but the longing remains. by https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hank-Stuever/71611518791

ostracize (v.)”exile by ostracism, banish by popular vote,” also in a figurative sense, “to exclude from society or favor,” 1640s, from Latinized form of Greek ostrakizein “to banish,” literally “to banish by voting with potshards” (see ostracism). Related: Ostracization; ostracized; ostracizing.Related entries & more

ostracize (v.)“通过排斥而流放,通过民众投票驱逐”,也有比喻意义,“从社会或青睐中排除”,1640年代,源自希腊语ostrakizein的拉丁化形式“驱逐”,字面意思是“通过投票驱逐”与陶器碎片”(见排斥)。相关:排斥;被排斥;排斥。相关条目及更多

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