单词详解 | castigate



Throughout 2016, he castigated Hillary Clinton for using a private email server instead of a secure government one.
整个 2016 年,他严厉批评希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 使用私人电子邮件服务器而不是安全的政府电子邮件服务器。
New York Times

On Monday, Biden floated the possibility of a tax on energy giants’ profits if they refused to expand production, castigating firms for not doing enough to lower prices.
Washington Post

Some called the outreach a political ploy amid a series of comments from the president blaming the oil companies for record-high prices and castigating them for their historically high profits.
Washington Post

inflict severe punishment on
v. <正式>严厉批评,申斥;苛评


Castigate means punish, and punish harshly, but the punishment is always a severe scolding. Sometimes it means criticize severely. Politicians in the Senate are always castigating each other for their alliances and opinions. Castigate and chasten, which also means “to reprimand” but is less severe, share the Latin root castus which means “pure.” Ideally, if you castigate someone, you mean to guide someone away from the wrong path and toward a more pure one. But it sure doesn’t feel like that when you’re being castigated!

Castigate means punish, and punish harshly, but the punishment is always a severe scolding. Sometimes it means criticize severely. Politicians in the Senate are always castigating each other for their alliances and opinions. Castigate and chasten, which also means “to reprimand” but is less severe, share the Latin root castus which means “pure.” Ideally, if you castigate someone, you mean to guide someone away from the wrong path and toward a more pure one. But it sure doesn’t feel like that when you’re being castigated!
严厉的意思是惩罚,严厉地惩罚,但惩罚总是严厉的责骂。有时它意味着严厉批评。参议院的政客们总是互相批评他们的联盟和观点。 Castigate 和 chasten 也有“斥责”的意思,但不那么严厉,它们都有拉丁词根castus,意思是“纯洁”。理想情况下,如果你谴责某人,你的意思是引导某人远离错误的道路,走向一条更纯洁的道路。但当你被责备时,你肯定不会有这样的感觉!

He hated the idea of the black inferiority complex and castigated what he called the worship and idolization of the West and their ideas.
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

Social media users were quick to castigate Cavill for his views.
Henry Cavill apologises for comments on #MeToo by Staff and agencies

Social media users have been quick to castigate Cavill for his views.
Henry Cavill criticised for #MeToo comments by Andrew Pulver

castigate (v.)”to chastise, punish,” c. 1600, from Latin castigatus, past participle of castigare “to correct, set right; purify; chastise, punish,” from castus “pure” (see caste) + agere “to do” (from PIE root *ag- “to drive, draw out or forth, move”). The notion behind the word is “make someone pure by correction or reproof.” Compare purge (v.), from purus + agere. Related: Castigated; castigating; castigator; castigatory.If thou didst put this soure cold habit on To castigate thy pride, ’twere well. [Shakespeare, “Timon” IV.iii (1607)]Related entries & more

castigate (v.)“惩戒、惩罚” c. 1600,来自拉丁语castigatus,castigare的过去分词“纠正,纠正;净化;惩罚,惩罚”,来自castus“纯粹”(参见caste)+agere“做”(来自PIE根*ag-“驱动,拉出或向前,移动”)。这个词背后的含义是“通过纠正或责备使某人变得纯洁”。比较 purge (v.),源自 purus +agere。相关:严厉批评;严厉斥责;惩罚者;如果你把这个冷酷的习惯放在身上来惩罚你的骄傲,那很好。 [莎士比亚,“泰门”IV.iii (1607)]相关条目及更多

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