单词详解 | yoke



Now you’re yoked together, one flesh in perpetuity — into the vast eternity — immortalized.
New York Times

When Biden ran for president in 2020, his central rationale was that he could yoke the two parties together and pass bipartisan legislation.
当拜登 2020 年竞选总统时,他的核心理由是他可以将两党联在一起并通过两党立法。
Washington Post

The Ellises had met through the Society of the New Life, a progressive order committed to throwing off the yokes of convention, particularly in matters of sexual agency.
Washington Post

support consisting of a wooden frame across the shoulders that enables a person to carry buckets hanging from each end
n. 轭,牛轭;羁绊,枷锁;(女服的)上衣抵肩,裙腰;(挑东西用的)轭状扁担;轭门;同轭的一对动物;<美>(飞机的)操纵杆;磁轭,轭铁;<爱尔兰,非正式>想不起名字的事物


Yoke also can mean the stick that connects two work animals together, or the act of connecting two things together as with a yoke. A classic tool of farmers for centuries, the yoke has also become a symbol of oppression — no one wants to live under the yoke of a tyrant’s rule. Do not confuse yoke with yolk, the yellow part of an egg.

Yoke also can mean the stick that connects two work animals together, or the act of connecting two things together as with a yoke. A classic tool of farmers for centuries, the yoke has also become a symbol of oppression — no one wants to live under the yoke of a tyrant’s rule. Do not confuse yoke with yolk, the yellow part of an egg.

They steadied the buckets with their hands, but the weight hung from the yokes on their shoulders.
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

And when they were even babies he would tell them of the yoke they must thrust from their shoulders—the yoke of submission and slothfulness.
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers

“We’re trying to break yokes. You’re trying to make one for yourself. If you knew what I know, seen what Fve seen, you wouldn’t be so quick to pull the plow.”
One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia

yoke (n.)Old English geoc “contrivance for fastening a pair of draft animals,” earlier geoht “pair of draft animals” (especially oxen), from Proto-Germanic *yukam (source also of Old Saxon juk, Old Norse ok, Danish aag, Middle Dutch joc, Dutch juk, Old High German joh, German joch, Gothic juk “yoke”), from PIE root *yeug- “to join.” Figurative sense of “heavy burden, oppression, servitude” was in Old English.Related entries & more

yoke (n.)古英语 geoc “固定一对役畜的装置”,早期 geoht “一对役畜”(尤其是牛),源自原始日耳曼语 *yukam (也源自古撒克逊语 juk,古挪威语 ok,丹麦语 aag、中古荷兰语 joc、荷兰语 juk、古高地德语 joh、德语 joch、哥特语 juk“轭”),源自 PIE 根 *yeug-“加入”。古英语中有“沉重的负担、压迫、奴役”的比喻意义。相关条目及更多

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