Unfortunately, this chap didn’t want to take on a young girl as an employee, so, I took another milking job that came up elsewhere.
“For a young chap who’s only riding 12 weeks to get rides like this, it’s unheard of really. For us as a family watching what he’s doing, it’s just unbelievable,” said his father Mark.
“对于一个只骑了 12 周的小伙子来说,这真是闻所未闻。对于我们一家人来说,看着他所做的一切,简直令人难以置信,”他的父亲马克说。
Said Little: “Women in general know we’re equal. It’s the other chaps who seem to be lacking in that department.”
Said Little:“一般来说,女性都知道我们是平等的。那个部门似乎缺少其他人。”
—Washington Post
a boy or man
n. (皮肤的)皴裂(或皲裂)处;(尤指说话者喜欢的)男人,家伙;(尤指猪头肉的)颔颊部分;(骑马时穿的)皮套裤
You can refer to any male person as a chap, and you can also address him that way: “Hello there, old chap! I haven’t seen you in ages!” It’s more common in Britain than the US, where the chap will know what you mean but might look at you oddly. Chaps also means a cowboy’s leather pants, and when it’s a verb chap means to become dry, cracked, and painful from wind or cold.
You can refer to any male person as a chap, and you can also address him that way: “Hello there, old chap! I haven’t seen you in ages!” It’s more common in Britain than the US, where the chap will know what you mean but might look at you oddly. Chaps also means a cowboy’s leather pants, and when it’s a verb chap means to become dry, cracked, and painful from wind or cold.
你可以称任何男性为 chap,也可以这样称呼他:“你好,老家伙!好久不见!”这在英国比在美国更常见,在美国,小伙子会明白你的意思,但可能会用奇怪的眼光看着你。 Chaps 也表示牛仔皮裤,当它是动词时,chaps 表示因风或冷而变得干燥、破裂和疼痛。
You think those thuggish chaps in movie heist gangs fall out a bit too quickly and mindlessly?
—Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Author
Across the aisle from Rahel a woman with chapped cheeks and a mustache coughed up phlegm and wrapped it in twists of newspaper that she tore off the pile of Sunday papers on her lap.
—The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
It was all Shasta could do to prevent himself from shouting out similar instructions; but he thought, “The poor chap’s doing all he can already,” and held his tongue.
—The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
chap (n.)1570s, “customer,” short for obsolete chapman in its secondary sense “purchaser, trader” (also see cheap). The colloquial familiar sense of “lad, fellow, man or boy” is first attested 1716, usually with a qualifying adjective. Compare slang (tough) customer and German Kunde “customer, purchaser,” colloquially “fellow.”Related entries & more
chap (n.)1570s,“客户”,是过时的 chapman 在其次要意义上的缩写,“采购商,交易员”(另见 cheap)。 “lad, fellow, man or boy” 的口语熟悉感最早出现于 1716 年,通常带有限定形容词。比较俚语(强硬的)客户和德语昆德语的“客户、购买者”,通俗地称为“伙伴”。相关条目及更多
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