The Philippines — particularly its upper islands in the Batanes — is right next door to Taiwan, making the situation a fraught one for the former U.S. colony.
—Washington Times
During sometimes fraught cross-examination on Thursday, Tacopina quizzed Carroll about her account, including her inability to remember the specific date the alleged attack occurred or why she called a friend afterward, rather than the police.
—Washington Post
The judge has acknowledged the unusual and fraught nature of a case involving Trump.
—Washington Post
filled with or attended with
adj. 充满(糟糕或令人讨厌的事物);造成忧虑(或紧张)的,受忧虑(或压力)影响的;<旧>充满的
Fraught means filled with something — often something bad. Your Thanksgiving was fraught with awkward moments when your family saw your blue hair, and it only got worse when you told them you’d quit law school to join the circus.
Fraught 的意思是充满了某些东西——通常是一些不好的东西。当你的家人看到你的蓝头发时,你的感恩节充满了尴尬的时刻,当你告诉他们你要退出法学院去参加马戏团时,情况只会变得更糟。
Fraught is related to the word freight, and comes from the Middle English fraughten, meaning “to load with cargo.” Think of a cargo ship loaded up with freight for a journey — it’s full of supplies, just like Thanksgiving was filled with — or fraught with — awkward moments. Fraught can also describe a situation filled with distress. If relations between two countries are fraught, they are not getting along with each other.
Fraught 与 freight 这个词有关,来自中古英语 fraughten,意思是“装载货物”。想一想一艘满载货物的货船正在旅行——它装满了补给品,就像感恩节充满了——或充满了——尴尬的时刻一样。忧虑也可以描述充满痛苦的情况。如果两国之间的关系令人担忧,他们就不会相处。
Joseph seems sensitive to this, or if not sensitive in an educated way to the Enlightenment and its consequences, he seems to intuit how being Christian was fraught in new ways.
—The Book of Mormon’s foggy origins by ???
When they’d first arrived at Aunt Rose’s house after the fraught train ride up from Atlanta, Ophie had been excited at the idea of more family to spend time with.
—Ophie’s Ghosts by Justina Ireland
The high-cheating holidays are fraught with miscellaneous anxieties and the high expectations of loved ones.
—Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt
fraught (adj.)late 14c., “freighted, laden, loaded, stored with supplies” (of vessels); figurative use from early 15c.; past-participle adjective from obsolete verb fraught “to load (a ship) with cargo,” Middle English fraughten (c. 1400), which always was rarer than the past participle, from noun fraught “a load, cargo, lading of a ship” (early 13c.), which is the older form of freight (n.).This apparently is from a North Sea Germanic source, Middle Dutch vrecht, vracht “hire for a ship, freight,” or similar words in Middle Low German or Frisian, apparently originally “earnings,” from Proto-Germanic *fra-aihtiz “property, absolute possession,” from *fra-, here probably intensive + *aigan “be master of, possess” (from PIE root *aik- “be master of, possess”). Related: Fraughtage.Related entries & more
fraught (adj.)late 14c., “fraught, laden, loaded, stored with supplies”(船只); 15 世纪初的比喻用法;来自过时动词 fraught 的过去分词形容词“用货物装载(船)”,中古英语 fraughten(约 1400 年),它总是比过去分词更为罕见,来自名词 fraught “船的装载,货物,装载”(13 世纪初),这是较旧的货运形式 (n.)。这显然来自北海日耳曼语来源,中古荷兰语 vrecht,vracht“租船,货运”或中古低地德语中的类似词或弗里斯兰语,显然最初是“收入”,来自原始日耳曼语 *fra-aihtiz “财产,绝对占有”,来自 *fra-,这里可能是密集的 + *aigan “掌握,拥有”(来自 PIE 词根 *aik- “掌握,拥有”)。相关:Fraughtage。相关条目及更多
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