- complement
- complimentary
含义:v. 补充,补足
英文短含义:A complement is something that makes up a satisfying whole with something else. Those shiny red shoes you just bought complement your shiny red purse./
英文长含义:Complement comes from the Latin complementum, “something that fills up or completes.” Complement keeps both the e and the meaning. It’s also a verb; if you and your partner complement each other, you make a perfect pair. Something that complements completes or adds a little something.
补语来自拉丁语 complementum,“充满或完成的东西”。补语保留 e 和意义。它也是一个动词;如果你和你的伴侣互补,你们就是完美的一对。补充的东西完成或增加了一些东西。
例句1:He once compared his trials to those of Job. complement/compliment.
– from Woe Is I
例句2:In their home ecosystems these species have, like all living things, a full complement of parasites, microbes, viruses, and insect predators to shorten and immiserate their lives.
– from 1491
例句3:To complement is to complete, to round out, or to bring to perfection; a complement is something that completes or makes whole.
– from Woe Is I
含义:adj. 赞美的,表示钦佩的;免费赠送的
英文短含义:If you say something complimentary, like “Grandma, that plastic flower looks so pretty in your hair,” you are flattering, praising or admiring someone./
英文长含义:”Resembling a compliment” is one way to define the word complimentary, when you use it in the sense of giving praise. A second meaning of complimentary is “free.” If your hotel includes breakfast with the price of your room, they may call it a complimentary breakfast. It’s easy to get complimentary confused with complementary, which sounds exactly the same but means “filling in or completing.”
当您在给予赞美的意义上使用它时,“类似于赞美”是定义赞美这个词的一种方式。 complimentary 的第二个意思是“免费”。如果您的酒店在房价中包含早餐,他们可能会称其为免费早餐。很容易将 complimentary 与 complementary 混淆,这两个词听起来完全一样,但意思是“填充或完成”。
例句1:I loved writing, and he was really complimentary about it.
– from Auggie & Me
例句2:He walks outside to the popcorn machine on the sidewalk where he’ll be handing out complimentary bags of popcorn.
– from Dumplin’
例句3:Check-in takes place at the lobby bar and comes with a complimentary cocktail called “Got Moxy.”
在大堂酒吧办理入住手续,并赠送一杯名为“Got Moxy”的免费鸡尾酒。
– from 10 New Standout Hotels in Asia
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