单词辨析 | vise,vase


  • vise
  • vase




含义:n. 钳子,老虎钳

英文短含义:If you’re going to be doing a lot of woodworking, you’ll probably need a vise, a tool used to clamp pieces of wood in place while you work on them./


英文长含义:The word vise came into English through the French word vis, meaning “screw.” Picture yourself winding a lever that screws the jaws of a vise shut, and you’ll understand what it’s like to operate a vise. Remember to spell the word with an s, as not to confuse it with sound-alike vice, which can refer to a destructive habit that you’d like to break. The two words are unrelated in meaning.

vice 这个词通过法语单词 vis 进入英语,意思是“螺丝”。想象一下自己正在上紧一根杠杆,将虎钳的钳口拧紧,您就会明白操作虎钳是什么感觉。记得用 s 拼写这个词,以免与发音相似的 vice 混淆,后者可能指的是您想改掉的破坏性习惯。这两个词在含义上没有关联。

例句1:They feel like a vise tightening against my skull the further I push.
– from Thirteen Reasons Why

例句2:As they were on the verge of being squeezed, as if in a vise, doom loomed.
– from Machines Of Movement, With Bruises

例句3:The first man carries the tray to his station, sets an engagement ring in his vise, and peels back the prongs with tweezers.
– from All the Light We Cannot See


含义:n. 花瓶,(装饰用的)瓶

英文短含义:The tall container you put flowers in is a vase. Thanks for the enormous bouquet of daisies — I’ll need to find a large enough vase to fit them in!/


英文长含义:A vase is a glass or ceramic container that serves only a decorative function — in other words, you’re unlikely to serve a guest a big glass of lemonade in a vase. Vases are generally tall and narrow, to accommodate flower stems. Some vases are curvy and others are straight. In North America, vase usually rhymes with “face,” which was its original English pronunciation, though modern British speakers say it so it rhymes with “blahs” instead.


例句1:The vase’s most remarkable feature is its intricate inlay work.
– from A Single Shard

例句2:The same goes for Japanese flower arranging ikebana, where a single flower in a simple vase succinctly expresses the nature of Japanese aesthetics and worldview.
– from Music and the Child

例句3:She could pick up a candlestick or a vase and hit me with it.
– from Kindred

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