They scrape away at the corroded contact with a paperclip.
Meta’s U.S. lawsuit over data scraping comes after European regulators hit it last week with a fine over privacy violations.
Meta 在美国就数据抓取提起诉讼之前,欧洲监管机构上周对它处以侵犯隐私的罚款。
—Washington Times
When transferring brown butter to a bowl, be sure to use a flexible spatula to scrape out every last bit, as the solids that adhere to the pan are where all the flavor lives.
—Washington Post
cut the surface of; wear away the surface of
v. (用小刀等)刮除;(使)刮擦;擦伤,刮坏;(使)发出刺耳的刮擦声;勉强维持,艰难地完成;勉强维持生活(scrape by/along);勉强通过;(艰难地)凑集,积累(scrape sth. together/up);节俭;挖坑,挖洞; 把头发拢在后面(scrape sth. back);(幽默)不入调地演奏小提琴;<英>在面包上涂一层薄薄的(黄油,人造黄油);用程序从网上下载(数据)
scratch,scratch up,skin,grate,mark,scar,scratch,abrasion,excoriation,scratch,scraping,scratch,scratching,genuflect,kowtow,scraping,come up,scrape up,scratch
To scrape something is to scratch or remove its surface. If you scrape your knee, you’ll probably need a Band Aid.
You can scrape the toe of your favorite boots, or scrape your arm on a branch. This might cause a scrape on your skin or your shoe, a mark that shows. There is also a kind of scrape you can hear, like the scrape of a chair on a floor, and the kind of scrape, or awkward situation, you suddenly find yourself in. People also scrape things together, or gather up as much as they can find.
I sit on the edge of the concrete dock, rough beneath my thighs, my toes scraping the edge of the water.
—Hurricane Child by Kheryn Callender
It was not pain he felt below his ribs, but something scraping against the bone.
—Atonement by Ian McEwan
Branches scrape the sides and pebbles pelt the underside of the car.
—How the García Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez
scrape (v.)early 13c., scrapen, “make erasures (with a knife), erase” (a sense now obsolete); by late 14c. as “to remove (an outer layer) with a sharp or rough instrument,” probably in part from Old Norse skrapa “to scrape, erase” and in part from cognate Old English scrapian “to scrape,” both from Proto-Germanic *skrapojan (source also of Dutch schrapen, German schrappen), from PIE *skerb- (an extension of the root *sker- (1) “to cut”).The meaning “gather by great effort, collect with difficulty or by small savings” is from 1540s. From 1640s as “draw back the foot as a gesture of obeisance.” By 1741 in the transitive sense of “rub harshly on (a surface) in passing along it so as to cause an abrasion or noise.” Related: Scraped; scraping.To scrape acquaintance “get on terms of acquaintance with by careful effort” is from c. 1600. To scrape the bottom of the barrel in the figurative sense of “make do with the most inferior or defective examples of what is wanted for want of any others” is by 1942, in reference to U.S. employers facing worker shortages during the war (the figurative bottom of the (cracker) barrel is by 1938).
scrape (v.)13 世纪初,scrapen,“擦除(用刀),擦除”(现在已经过时的意思);到 14 点晚。作为“用尖锐或粗糙的工具去除(外层)”,可能部分来自古挪威语 skrapa “刮擦、擦除”,部分来自同源古英语 scrapian “刮擦”,均来自原始日耳曼语 *skrapojan (也出自荷兰语 schrapen、德语 schrappen),来自 PIE *skerb-(词根 *sker- (1)“to cut”的扩展)。意思是“努力收集,困难收集或少量储蓄”来自 1540 年代。从 1640 年代开始作为“收回脚以示敬意”。到 1741 年,在传递意义上“在(表面)通过时用力摩擦以引起磨损或噪音”。相关:刮掉; scraping.To scraping acquaintance “通过仔细的努力来熟悉”来自c。 1600. 到 1942 年,以比喻意义上的“用最劣质或有缺陷的例子来弥补其他任何人所需要的东西”来刮桶底,指的是美国雇主在战争期间面临工人短缺( (饼干)桶的比喻底部是 1938 年。
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