单词详解 | depict



The design on the coin was irregular for the time period, and the man depicted on them, Sponsian, was mostly lost to history.
硬币上的设计在那个时期是不规则的,上面描绘的人 Sponsian 几乎已被历史遗忘。
New York Times

Instead of speaking out directly, the party has allowed loyalists on social media to depict the protesters as pawns, witting or unwitting, of Western efforts to destabilize China and discredit its “zero Covid” policies.
该党没有直接发声,而是允许社交媒体上的支持者将抗议者描绘成西方企图破坏中国稳定并诋毁其“零 Covid”政策的棋子,无论是有意还是无意。
New York Times

Speaking briefly after the hearing, Brian Parker, an attorney for the gunman, depicted the guilty pleas as a denunciation of their client’s actions and ideology.
Washington Post

give a description of
v. 描述,描绘


When you depict something, you draw a picture of it, describe it, or show what it looks like. So grab a crayon, a paint brush, or even an Etch-A-Sketch and start depicting.

From the Latin depictus, meaning “to portray, paint, sketch, describe,” depict is a way to communicate what you see. To explain to an alien what a banana is, you can either depict it with drawings, describe it in words, or both. But be careful. Writes author Joyce Maynard, "The painter who feels obligated to depict his subjects as uniformly beautiful or handsome and without flaws will fall short of making art."
来自拉丁语 depictus,意思是“描绘、绘画、素描、描述”,depict 是一种传达您所见事物的方式。要向外星人解释什么是香蕉,您可以用图画或文字描述,或两者兼而有之。但小心点。作家乔伊斯·梅纳德 (Joyce Maynard) 写道:“如果画家觉得有义务将他的主题描绘成统一的美丽或英俊​​且没有瑕疵,那么他就达不到艺术创作的要求。”

These mathematician-artists perfected the technique of perspective and could soon depict arbitrary objects in three dimensions.
Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife

On the walls were priceless tapestries, ancient and much faded, depicting the glory of the Old Empire of Ghis.
A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin

Early articles, which had depicted her as “well-dressed,” “striking,” the family “perfect,” had given way to snide and vaguely accusatory ones of the ilk of MOM SEZ: NOT MY KID.
早期的文章将她描述为“衣冠楚楚”、“引人注目”、“完美”的家庭,现在已经让位给诸如“MOM SEZ: NOT MY KID”之类的讽刺和含糊指责的文章。
The Secret History by Donna Tartt

depict (v.)early 15c., "portray, paint, form a likeness of in color," from Latin depictus, past participle of depingere "to portray, paint, sketch; describe, imagine," from de "down" (see de-) + pingere "to paint" (see paint (v.)). Extended sense of "portray in words, describe" is from mid-15c. Related: Depicted; depicting.Related entries & more 

depict (v.)early 15c.,“描绘,绘画,形成颜色的相似性”,来自拉丁语 depictureus,depingere 的过去分词“描绘,绘画,素描;描述,想象,”来自 de “向下”(见de-) + pingere “画”(见 paint (v.))。 “用文字描绘,描述”的扩展意义是从 15 世纪中期开始的。相关:描述;描绘。相关条目及更多

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