英音/ ˈsɪnɪk(ə)l / 美音/ ˈsɪnɪk(ə)l /
“This scheme was a cynical and destructive effort, based in part on the inexcusable goal of avoiding his child support obligations,” said Carlton S. Shier, IV, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky.
However, while these chains say they are seeking to offer value for money to their customers, Katherine Jenner, director of the Obesity Health Alliance, is cynical and worries about the health impact.
然而,尽管这些连锁店表示他们正在寻求为顾客提供物有所值的服务,但肥胖健康联盟主任凯瑟琳·詹纳 (Katherine Jenner) 却持愤世嫉俗的态度,并担心其对健康的影响。
The president’s comments touched off a flurry of responses online, some echoing Mr. Biden’s perspective about inequity and others taking a more cynical point of view.
—New York Times
A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts. H.L. Mencken was famous for saying cynical things like, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” The original Cynics were ancient Greek philosophers who never had a good word to say about anyone. The Greek word kynikos actually means “canine,” maybe because all of that sneering seemed a little dog-like.
A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts. H.L. Mencken was famous for saying cynical things like, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” The original Cynics were ancient Greek philosophers who never had a good word to say about anyone. The Greek word kynikos actually means “canine,” maybe because all of that sneering seemed a little dog-like.
愤世嫉俗的人对他人的看法是悲观的,总是认为人们是被他们最糟糕的本能所统治的。 HL Mencken 因说过一些愤世嫉俗的话而闻名,比如“没有人因为低估美国公众的智力而破产”。最初的愤世嫉俗者是古希腊哲学家,他们从来没有对任何人说过好话。希腊语“kynikos”实际上意味着“犬类”,也许是因为所有这些嘲笑看起来都有点像狗。
Rick said, “I understand now why Phil Resch said what he said. He wasn’t being cynical; he had just learned too much. Going through this—I can’t blame him. It warped him.”
—Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
I realized we kept piling up these presents because it was as good as free advertising for the firms involved, but I couldn’t be cynical.
—The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
I felt wise and cynical as all hell.
—The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
cynical (adj.)1580s, with a capital -c-, “resembling Cynic philosophers,” from cynic + -al (1). By 1660s (with a lower-case -c-) the meaning had shaded into the general one of “disposed to disbelieve or doubt the sincerity or value of social usages or personal character or motives and to express it by sarcasm and sneers, disparaging of the motives of others, captious, peevish.” Related: Cynically.
Cynical expresses a perverse disposition to put an unfavorable interpretation upon conduct, or to exercise austerity under profession of a belief in the worthlessness of any offered form of enjoyment.
Misanthropic expresses a hatred of mankind as a race.
Pessimistic is primarily and generally a philosophical epithet, applying to those who hold that the tendency of things is only or on the whole toward evil. [Century Dictionary]
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愤世嫉俗的 (adj.)1580s,大写字母 -c-,“类似于愤世嫉俗的哲学家”,源自 cynic + -al (1)。到了 1660 年代(小写的 -c-),其含义已逐渐演变为一般含义:“倾向于不相信或怀疑社会习俗或个人性格或动机的诚意或价值,并通过讽刺和冷笑、贬低来表达它”。他人的动机,挑剔,暴躁。”相关:愤世嫉俗。愤世嫉俗表达了一种反常的倾向,对行为做出不利的解释,或者在相信任何提供的享受形式毫无价值的情况下实行紧缩政策。厌世表达了对人类作为一个种族的仇恨。悲观主义主要是一个哲学绰号,适用于那些认为事物的趋势只是或总体上趋于邪恶的人。 [世纪词典]相关词条及更多
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