英音/ spjuː / 美音/ spjuː /
A volcano in Iceland erupted on Sunday after hundreds of earthquakes shook the Reykjanes peninsula, prompting evacuations in a town near where a fissure opened up and spewed lava last month.
—New York Times
The law is aimed at providing support for veterans exposed to toxins, often from open burn pits that spewed them near where soldiers were living and working.
—New York Times
“To our opponents who have spewed hateful vitriol over the last several days: We reject your attacks,” Ms. Descovich and Ms. Justice said.
—New York Times
eject or send out in large quantities (also metaphorical)
You might see steam spew from the factory near your house or watch a city bus spew smoke from its exhaust pipe. Figuratively, to spew can also mean “to say ugly or hateful things,” and some people also use it to mean “vomit.” The Old English source of spew is spiwan (“to spit”) and comes from a root that probably imitated the sound of someone spitting.
You might see steam spew from the factory near your house or watch a city bus spew smoke from its exhaust pipe. Figuratively, to spew can also mean “to say ugly or hateful things,” and some people also use it to mean “vomit.” The Old English source of spew is spiwan (“to spit”) and comes from a root that probably imitated the sound of someone spitting.
您可能会看到您家附近的工厂喷出蒸汽,或者看到城市公交车从排气管喷出烟雾。形象地说,to spew 也可以表示“说丑陋或可恨的事情”,有些人也用它来表示“呕吐”。 spew 的古英语词源是 spiwan(“吐”),其词根可能模仿某人随地吐痰的声音。
No rattling had filled its mud-brick walls; instead, it had been filled with the sounds of people coughing, and spewing, and moaning in pain.
—Beasts of Prey by Ayana Gray
But Mom’s not much of a cook, and I don’t think anyone’s ever going to get used to the slow cooker spewing out what Daniel refers to as gelatinous goo.
—Liar, Liar by Gary Paulsen
Blood spewing out of the guy’s nose and mouth and right eye, the back of his head banging the floor.
—We Were Here by Matt De La Peña
spew (v.)Middle English speuen, “vomit, throw up, spit or cough up,” also figurative, from Old English spiwan “spew, spit,” from Proto-Germanic *spiewan- (source also of Old Saxon spiwan, Old Norse spyja, Old Frisian spiwa, Middle Dutch spijen, Dutch spuwen, Old High German spiwan, German speien, Gothic spiewan “to spit”), probably of imitative origin (compare Latin spuere; Greek ptuein, Doric psyttein; Old Church Slavonic pljuja, Russian plevati; Lithuanian spiauti).
Also in Old English as a weak verb, speowan, spiwian; the weak form predominated from Middle English. The general sense of “eject or cast out as if by vomiting” is by 1590s. The intransitive sense is by 1660s. Related: Spewed; spewing.Related entries & more
spew (v.)中古英语 speuen,“呕吐、呕吐、吐出或咳出”,也是比喻性的,源自古英语 spiwan “spew,spit”,源自原始日耳曼语 *spiewan-(也源自古撒克逊语 spiwan,古英语北欧斯皮亚语、古弗里斯兰语 spiwa、中古荷兰语 spijen、荷兰语 spuwen、古高地德语 spiwan、德语 speien、哥特语spiewan“吐”),可能源自模仿(比较拉丁语 spuere;希腊语 ptuein,多立克式 psyttein;古教会斯拉夫语 pljuja,俄语 plevati;立陶宛语 spiauti)。在古英语中也作为弱动词 speowan、spiwian;弱形式在中古英语中占主导地位。一般意义上的“像呕吐一样被排出或驱逐”是在 1590 年代。不及物意义是在 1660 年代。相关: 喷出;喷涌而出。相关条目及更多
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