单词详解 | quaint



“It was kind of quaint for a while, every library had a display,” says Johnson, the Brooklyn Public Library head.
Washington Post

On a visit to Elm City last week, he toured the town’s quaint library decked out for Halloween.
Washington Times

The Outback Way begins in the east in Winton, Queensland, a quaint town of about 850 people with an outsize role in Australian history.
内陆之路始于昆士兰州温顿的东部,这是一座古色古香的小镇,约有 850 人,在澳大利亚历史上扮演着举足轻重的角色。
Washington Post

attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic)
adj. 奇特有趣的,古色古香的;做得很精巧的

old-time,olde worlde

Quaint means strange and unusual in an old-fashioned and charming way. It’s a word you’d use to describe a little store that sells tea cozies and antique tea services, or your grandmother’s habit of calling the radio the "wireless."
Quaint 意味着古怪和不寻常,以一种老式和迷人的方式。你会用这个词来形容一家出售茶具和古董茶具的小店,或者你祖母习惯称收音机为“无线”。

There is a commonly used sarcastic sense of quaint — when something is run down or shabby and you’re trying to say something positive, you might substitute "How…quaint" for "How…interesting." In Middle English, this adjective meant "clever" or "cunning." Its origin is Old French queinte, cointe, from Latin cognitus "known," from cognōscere "to learn."
古雅有一种常用的讽刺意味——当某物破旧或破旧而你想说些积极的话时,你可以用“多么……古雅”代替“多么……有趣”。在中古英语中,这个形容词的意思是“聪明”或“狡猾”。它起源于古法语 queinte,cointe,源自拉丁语 cognitus“已知”,源自 cognōscere“学习”。

“Your American terms are so quaint, so expressive,” he said.
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Yet the genteel detachment of Pasteur and his contemporaries seemed quaint, even foolish, given the profits to be made in the industrial world.
Big Science by Michael Hiltzik

In "Rutherford Falls" he’s a reminder of the figures we overlook in adorable stories about friendly, quaint towns populated by kind folks like Nathan and Reagan.
In comedy "Rutherford Falls," Ed Helms is a nice guy who prefers the myth of his whitewashed history by Melanie McFarland

quaint (adj.)c. 1200, cointe, cwointe, "cunning, artful, ingenious; proud," in both good and bad senses, from Old French cointe, queinte "knowledgeable, well-informed; clever; arrogant, proud; elegant, gracious," from Latin cognitus "known, approved," past participle of cognoscere "get or come to know well" (see cognizance). Modern spelling is from early 14c. (see Q).The old senses all are archaic or obsolete. Perhaps the fuzziness of the good and bad senses in the word contributed to this. Compare Middle English queintise (n.) "wisdom, knowledge," also "guile, cunning, deceit" (c. 1300).Later in English, quaint came to mean "elaborate, skillfully made" (c. 1300); "strange and clever, fanciful, odd whimsical" (mid-14c.). The sense of "unusual or old-fashioned but charming or agreeable" is attested by 1782, and at that time could describe the word itself, which had become rare after c. 1700 (though it soon recovered popularity in this secondary sense). Related: Quaintly; quaintness.Related entries & more 

古怪的(形容词)c。 1200, cointe, cwointe,“狡猾、狡猾、巧妙;骄傲”,有好的和坏的意思,来自古法语 cointe,queinte “知识渊博、见多识广;聪明;傲慢、骄傲;优雅、亲切”,来自拉丁语 cognitus “已知的,认可的”,cognoscere 的过去分词“得到或熟悉”(见 cognizance)。现代拼写来自 14 世纪初。 (见Q)。旧的感官都是古老的或过时的。也许这个词中好意和坏意的模糊性促成了这一点。比较中世纪英语 queintise (n.)“智慧、知识”,还有“诡计、狡猾、欺骗”(约 1300 年)。后来在英语中,quaint 的意思是“精心制作、巧妙制作”(约 1300 年); “奇怪而聪明,幻想,异想天开”(14 世纪中期)。 “不寻常或老式但迷人或令人愉快”的含义在 1782 年得到证实,当时可以描述这个词本身,在 c 之后变得罕见。 1700 年(尽管在这种次要意义上它很快恢复了人气)。相关:古雅;古怪。相关条目及更多

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