单词详解 | rip

英音/ rɪp / 美音/ rɪp /


She said her partner punched her in her face, ripped her clothes and threw her into a wall in front of fellow officers at a social event when he was off duty.

“I want to go out, show what I can do on such a big day and full-on rip in.”

Pakistan’s spinners ripped through England’s middle order to turn the second Test on its head on the second day in Multan.



You can rip a piece of paper in half, or rip a hole in the roof of your tent. When you tear, split, or pull something apart, you rip it. You can also rip figuratively — like when your move to a new city rips you apart from your best friend. A rip off is a bad deal or a swindle, a phrase that’s been popular since about 1970, although rip meaning “steal” was used as prison slang much earlier.

You can rip a piece of paper in half, or rip a hole in the roof of your tent. When you tear, split, or pull something apart, you rip it. You can also rip figuratively — like when your move to a new city rips you apart from your best friend. A rip off is a bad deal or a swindle, a phrase that’s been popular since about 1970, although rip meaning “steal” was used as prison slang much earlier.
您可以将一张纸撕成两半,或者在帐篷的屋顶上撕开一个洞。当你撕裂、分裂或拉开某物时,你就将其撕裂。你也可以象征性地撕裂——就像你搬到一个新城市使你与最好的朋友分开一样。 rip off 是一种糟糕的交易或诈骗,这句话从 1970 年左右就开始流行,尽管 rip 的意思是“偷窃”,很早以前就被用作监狱俚语。

The sandal ripped from my foot and staked into the ground.
The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams by Daniel Nayeri

The sound of the ripping fabric made a wordless curse against my master.
The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams by Daniel Nayeri

It only winced, and fending off the spear with one claw, it ripped off Abel’s cape with the other.
Abel’s Island by William Steig

rip (v.)”tear apart, cut open or off,” c. 1400, rippen, “pull out sutures,” probably from a North Sea Germanic language (compare Flemish rippen “strip off roughly,” Frisian rippe “to tear, rip;” also Middle Dutch reppen, rippen “to rip”) or else from a Scandinavian source (compare Swedish reppa, Danish rippe “to tear, rip”). Likely most or all of them are from a Proto-Germanic *rupjan- (from PIE root *reup-, *reub- “to snatch”). “Of somewhat obscure origin and history; it is not quite certain that all the senses really belong to the same word” [OED].
The meaning “to slash with a sharp instrument” is from 1570s. Intransitive sense of “be torn or split open” is by 1840. Related: Ripped; ripping. In old U.S. slang, “to utter strong language” (1772), often with out; hence “break forth with sudden violence.” The meaning “to move with slashing force” (1798) is the sense in let her rip “allow something to go or continue unrestrained,” an American English colloquial phrase attested by 1846.

At another time, when a charge was ordered one of the officers could not think of the word, and he shouted—’Let ‘er rip!’—when the whole line burst out with a yell—’Let ‘er rip!’ and dashed in among the Mexicans, laughing and shouting this new battle cry. [from an account of Illinois volunteers in the Mexican-American War, in the Pensacola Gazette, March 29, 1851]

In garments we
rip along the line at which they were sewed ; we
tear the texture of the cloth; we say, “It is not
torn; it is only
ripped.” More broadly,
rip, especially with
up, stands for a cutting open or apart with a quick, deep strike: as, to
rip up a body or a sack of meal.
Rend implies great force or violence. [Century Dictionary]
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rip (v.)“撕开、切开或切断” c. 1400,rippen,“拉出缝合线”,可能源自北海日耳曼语(比较佛兰芒语 rippen “粗略地剥离”,弗里斯兰语 rippe “撕裂,撕裂”;还有中古荷兰语 reppen,rippen “撕裂”)或来自斯堪的纳维亚语来源(比较瑞典语reppa,丹麦语rippe“撕裂,撕裂”)。可能大多数或全部都来自原始日耳曼语 *rupjan-(来自 PIE 词根 *reup-、*reub-“抢夺”)。 “起源和历史有些模糊;并不能完全确定所有的意义是否真的属于同一个词”[OED]。 “用锋利的工具砍伐”的意思来自 1570 年代。到 1840 年,“被撕裂或裂开”的不及物含义出现。撕裂。在美国古老俚语中,“说出强烈的语言”(1772),通常不带 out;因此“以突然的暴力爆发”。 “以猛烈的力量移动”(1798)的意思是“让她撕裂”“允许某物不受限制地移动或继续”,这是一个美国英语口语短语,已得到 1846 年的证实。在另一次,当命令其中之一发起冲锋时,军官们想不出这个词,于是他喊道:“让我们撕裂!”——这时整队人都爆发出一声喊叫:“让我们撕裂!”然后冲进墨西哥人中间,笑着喊着这句新的战斗口号。 [摘自 1851 年 3 月 29 日《彭萨科拉公报》对美墨战争中伊利诺伊州志愿者的报道] 在衣服中,我们沿着缝制线撕开;我们撕开布料的纹理;我们说:“它没有被撕裂;它只是被撕裂了。”更广泛地说,“rip”,尤其是“up”,代表用快速、深度的打击切开或分开:例如,撕开身体或一袋食物。 Rend 意味着巨大的力量或暴力。 [世纪词典]相关词条及更多

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