单词详解 | foul

英音/ faʊl / 美音/ faʊl /


He then wins his side a free-kick by drawing a foul from Mathias Jensen.

Instead, players on the field must call fouls.

Ben Davies draws a foul in the penalty area.

highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust


In general, foul can be used as an adjective meaning “bad.” Foul luck is bad luck; a foul day is a bad day. As a verb, foul can mean “break the rules.” It’s used this way in sports, like when you commit a foul on the basketball court. The phrase “foul play” can be used in the context of sports or more generally, to indicate unfair or violent behavior. Avoid confusing foul with fowl, which refers to birds, especially chickens.
Foul 最常用作形容词来描述难闻的气味。作为动词,“犯规”通常意味着“弄脏或弄乱”。你可能会把你的房间弄得脏兮兮的,甚至闻起来有点难闻。

In general, foul can be used as an adjective meaning “bad.” Foul luck is bad luck; a foul day is a bad day. As a verb, foul can mean “break the rules.” It’s used this way in sports, like when you commit a foul on the basketball court. The phrase “foul play” can be used in the context of sports or more generally, to indicate unfair or violent behavior. Avoid confusing foul with fowl, which refers to birds, especially chickens.
一般来说,犯规可以用作形容词,意思是“坏”。运气不好就是运气不好;糟糕的一天就是糟糕的一天。作为动词,犯规可以表示“违反规则”。它在体育运动中以这种方式使用,例如当你在篮球场上犯规时。 “犯规”一词可以在体育运动中使用,或者更一般地用于表示不公平或暴力行为。避免将“foil”与“fowl”混淆,“fowl”指的是鸟类,尤其是鸡。

“Listen to me very carefully, little boy,” he said, breathing out foul steam with every word.
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

“Woof!” he barked, sending a foul cloud of doggy breath my way.
The World According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney

And second because the foul mood in the air meant I could really get trampled if I didn’t get inside before the bell rang.
Worth by A. LaFaye

foul (adj.)Old English ful “rotten, unclean, vile, corrupt, offensive to the senses,” from Proto-Germanic *fulaz (source also of Old Saxon and Old Frisian ful, Middle Dutch voul, Dutch vuil, Old High German fül, German faul, Gothic füls), from PIE *pu- (2) “to rot, decay,” perhaps from the sound made in reaction to smelling something bad (see pus).
Old English ful occasionally meant “ugly” (as contrasted with fæger (adj.), modern fair (adj.)), and this sense became frequent in Middle English. The cognate in Swedish is the usual word for “ugly.” Of weather from mid-14c. In the sporting sense of “irregular, unfair, contrary to established rule or practice” it is first attested 1797, though foul play is recorded from mid-15c. Baseball sense of “out of play” attested by 1860.Related entries & more

古英语 ful “腐烂的、不洁的、卑鄙的、腐败的、令人厌恶的”,源自原始日耳曼语 *fulaz(也源自古撒克逊语和古弗里斯兰语 ful、中古荷兰语 voul、荷兰语 vuil、古高地德语fül,德语 faul,哥特语 füls),源自 PIE *pu- (2)“腐烂,腐烂”,可能来自对闻到难闻的东西的反应所发出的声音(参见 pus)。古英语 ful 有时表示“丑陋”(与 fæger(形容词)、现代 fair(形容词)相对),这种含义在中古英语中变得很常见。瑞典语中的同源词是“丑陋”的常用词。 14 世纪中期的天气。就“不规则、不公平、违反既定规则或惯例”的体育意义而言,它于 1797 年首次得到证实,尽管从 15 世纪中期开始就有了犯规行为的记录。 1860 年证实了棒球界的“出局”意识。相关条目及更多内容

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