单词详解 | iffy

英音/ ˈɪfi / 美音/ ˈɪfi /


The censure of a president was an iffy move in the first place, with no constitutional foundation and raising significant separation of powers questions.
Washington Times

The Times, in its own research, has found ChatGPT to be pretty iffy on matters of law.
《泰晤士报》在自己的研究中发现 ChatGPT 在法律问题上相当可疑。
Washington Times

There’s no violence, suspense, scariness or any other iffy content, which makes the fun appropriate for even the youngest viewers.
Washington Post

subject to accident or chance or change


Use the adjective iffy to describe things that might change, or are doubtful. If you break your ankle in June, the chances that you’ll be able to run a marathon in August are iffy. You could also say that it’s iffy your unreliable cousin will show up at your birthday party on time. Iffy has been around since the 1930’s, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt invented it, taking the word if, turning it into an adjective, and using it often.

Use the adjective iffy to describe things that might change, or are doubtful. If you break your ankle in June, the chances that you’ll be able to run a marathon in August are iffy. You could also say that it’s iffy your unreliable cousin will show up at your birthday party on time. Iffy has been around since the 1930’s, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt invented it, taking the word if, turning it into an adjective, and using it often.
使用形容词“iffy”来描述可能会改变或有疑问的事情。如果您在六月份扭伤了脚踝,那么您在八月份参加马拉松比赛的机会就很渺茫。你也可以说,你不可靠的表弟很难准时出现在你的生日聚会上。 Iffy 自从 1930 年代富兰克林·罗斯福总统发明它以来就已经存在了,他将 if 这个词变成了形容词,并经常使用。

When we’re in this iffy mood—the subjunctive mood, if you want to be technical—was becomes were.
Woe Is I by Patricia T. O’Conner

“It’s getting to the point where folks can’t step outside the Thicket without one of us gods escorting them. Even then it can get iffy.”
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia

“I don’t know, Connor. No one does. Everything about the outcome is still iffy. It’s a cruel time.”
Silent To The Bone by E.L. Konigsburg

iffy (adj.)1937, American English, from if + -y (2). Originally associated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt.Related entries & more

iffy (adj.)1937,美式英语,源自 if + -y (2)。最初与富兰克林·罗斯福总统有关。相关条目及更多

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