单词详解 | flaunt

英音/ flɔːnt / 美音/ flɔːnt /


Or they can flaunt their stolen goods on social media without creating more harm the way an assault or a shooting would.
Washington Times

The men who play these characters, most of them also nonprofessionals, flaunt attitudes that appear as lived-in as their logo T-shirts.
扮演这些角色的男人大多也不是专业人士,他们所炫耀的态度就像他们的标志 T 恤一样古老。
Washington Post

“He should be setting an example of good work ethics and culture, not flaunting his body and privilege,” the user added.

display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously

flash,ostentate,show off,swank

Although we love it when a peacock flaunts his colorful feathers, when a person does the same thing we feel bad. Flaunt is like bragging, which can bum people out because they don’t have whatever you’re showing off, like that cool jacket. When rich people flaunt their wealth by speeding past you in their limo, they may as well splash a mud puddle on your white clothes. Leave the flaunting for peacocks and stars in bad reality TV shows.
Flaunt 是“自豪地展示或炫耀”,就像当你穿着新的意大利皮夹克去海滩假装很冷以确保每个人都看到它时,炫耀它。

Although we love it when a peacock flaunts his colorful feathers, when a person does the same thing we feel bad. Flaunt is like bragging, which can bum people out because they don’t have whatever you’re showing off, like that cool jacket. When rich people flaunt their wealth by speeding past you in their limo, they may as well splash a mud puddle on your white clothes. Leave the flaunting for peacocks and stars in bad reality TV shows.

It’s just that good writers don’t flaunt this anxiety in every passage they write; they artfully conceal it for clarity’s sake.
The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker

“You flaunt the commandments of God by dishonoring your father and mother in this way. There is a place of eternal torment set aside for those who flaunt God’s laws.”
The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner

Now employed by King Hamlet, they flaunted their rich clothes and gay manners, the fruits of their treason.
Ophelia by Lisa Klein

flaunt (v.)1560s, “to display oneself in flashy clothes,” of unknown origin. Perhaps a variant of flout or vaunt. Perhaps from Scandinavian, where the nearest form seems to be Swedish dialectal flankt “loosely, flutteringly,” from flakka “to waver” (related to flag (v.1)). It looks French, but it corresponds to no known French word. Transitive sense, “flourish (something), show off, make an ostentatious or brazen display of” is from 1827. Related: Flaunted; flaunting; Flauntingly.Related entries & more

炫耀(v.)1560年代,“穿着华丽的衣服展示自己”,来源不明。也许是蔑视或吹嘘的变体。也许来自斯堪的纳维亚语,其中最接近的形式似乎是瑞典方言 flankt “松散地、飘动地”,源自 flakka “摇摆不定”(与 flag (v.1) 相关)。它看起来是法语,但它对应于任何已知的法语单词。及物意义,“蓬勃发展(某物),炫耀,炫耀或厚颜无耻地展示”来自 1827 年。炫耀;炫耀。相关条目及更多

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