单词详解 | recitation

英音/ ˌresɪˈteɪʃn / 美音/ ˌresɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n /


Other memorial ceremonies, like the annual 9/11 commemoration, also include the recitation of victims’ names.
其他纪念仪式,例如一年一度的 9/11 纪念活动,也包括背诵受害者名字。
New York Times

Echoing out of the mosque is the near constant recitation of the Quran, as fathers plead with God to somehow keep their lost sons alive.
New York Times

She is teaching her daughter Quranic recitations since girls are only allowed to attend some public madrassas until the age of nine.
Washington Post

a public instance of reciting or repeating (from memory) something prepared in advance

reading,recital,drill,exercise,practice,practice session,class period,course session

The noun recitation comes from the word “recite.” When you recite, or say something you’ve memorized, you give a recitation. This happens a lot in school and in religious traditions, but you might also hear your know-it-all friend give an impromptu recitation of a famous director’s films or every Beatles song in alphabetical order. The word comes from the Latin prefix re, “again,” and the word citare, “to summon.” Summoning again from memory is recitation.

The noun recitation comes from the word “recite.” When you recite, or say something you’ve memorized, you give a recitation. This happens a lot in school and in religious traditions, but you might also hear your know-it-all friend give an impromptu recitation of a famous director’s films or every Beatles song in alphabetical order. The word comes from the Latin prefix re, “again,” and the word citare, “to summon.” Summoning again from memory is recitation.
名词背诵来自“背诵”一词。当你背诵或说出你已经记住的东西时,你就进行了背诵。这种情况在学校和宗教传统中经常发生,但您也可能会听到您万事通的朋友按字母顺序即兴背诵著名导演的电影或披头士乐队的每首歌曲。这个词来自拉丁语前缀 re(“再次”)和 citare(“召唤”)一词。从记忆中再次召唤就是背诵。

She made sure she began her recitation with that mean thing Miss Trotter coached her to say: “Great-granny, today we learned our family history from one who knows it.”
Gone Crazy in Alabama by Rita Williams-Garcia

It’s a cool morning, and even though I’m twelve now, I don’t have a choice—it’s cod-liver oil and Latin recitation and the endless, tedious Wohlfahrt viola etudes.
What the Night Sings by Vesper Stamper

The recitation of these old scandals seemed to elate her as much as they horrified Doge.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

recitation (n.)late 15c., recitacion, “account, description, act of detailing, recital,” from Old French récitation (14c.) and directly from Latin recitationem (nominative recitatio) “public reading, a reading aloud of judicial decrees or literary works,” noun of action from past-participle stem of recitare “read out, read aloud” (see recite).
Meaning “act of repeating aloud what has been committed to memory” is from 1620s; that of “repetition of a prepared lesson” by a pupil or students is by 1770, American English.Related entries & more

背诵 (n.)late 15c., recitacion, “叙述、描述、详细说明、背诵”,源自古法语 réitation (14c.) 并直接源自拉丁语 recitem(主格背诵)“公开阅读,大声朗读司法法令或文学作品”,动作名词来自 recitare 的过去分词词干“read out,read aloud”(参见 recite)。意思是“大声重复已记住的内容的行为”,源自 1620 年代; 1770 年,美国英语中,学生“重复准备好的课程”。相关条目及更多

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