英音/ ˈrʌfiən / 美音/ ˈrʌfiən /
Mr. Hollis was later described in The Times as a ruffian with arrests for assaults and other “atrocious violence,” including a fight that cost him an eye.
—New York Times
Popular culture has turned the shooting into “a story of good, solid citizens standing up to ruffians to build a good community,” Johnston said, adding that it “ignores many nuances.”
—Washington Times
Yet, he figured the competition to be cast as the violent ruffian would be a brutal melee in its own right.
—Washington Post
a cruel and brutal fellow
Soccer fans have a reputation for being ruffians. Sure, some are sensitive poetry-reading types, but the ones that get the most attention scream obscenities, break things, and fight each other. Ruffian comes from a Germanic word that literally translates as “scabbiness,” and perhaps ruffians are covered in scabs from all the fights they start. Sometimes a ruffian is a person involved in crime, however, the word is always used to describe someone who’s a cruel, violent jerk.
Soccer fans have a reputation for being ruffians. Sure, some are sensitive poetry-reading types, but the ones that get the most attention scream obscenities, break things, and fight each other. Ruffian comes from a Germanic word that literally translates as “scabbiness,” and perhaps ruffians are covered in scabs from all the fights they start. Sometimes a ruffian is a person involved in crime, however, the word is always used to describe someone who’s a cruel, violent jerk.
足球迷以恶棍而闻名。当然,有些人是敏感的读诗类型,但最受关注的人会尖叫猥亵、打破东西、互相争斗。流氓源自日耳曼语,字面意思是“痂”,也许流氓在他们发起的所有打斗中都沾满了痂。有时,Ruffian 是指参与犯罪的人,然而,这个词总是用来形容那些残忍、暴力的混蛋。
Robin turned and with one hand thrust the crutches between the big fellow’s feet, throwing him to the ground and bringing the other ruffian down on top of him.
—The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli
“No cause for alarm, Brother Alf. Ambrose Spike is made of leather and needles. Tough as a boulder, this old ruffian is. Look, he’s beginning to come around already.”
“没有理由惊慌,阿尔夫兄弟。安布罗斯·斯派克 (Ambrose Spike) 由皮革和针制成。这个老痞子,坚如磐石。你看,他已经开始苏醒了。”
—Redwall by Brian Jacques
“Alas! yes: the more’s the pity! Nothing could be more becoming to your complexion than that ruffian’s rouge.”
—Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
ruffian (n.)1530s, “a boisterous, brutal fellow, one ready to commit any crime,” from French rufian “a pimp” (15c.), from Italian ruffiano “a pander, pimp,” of uncertain origin, perhaps from a Germanic source related to rough (adj.), but Dutch roffiaan, German Ruffian are said to be from French. Whatever its ultimate source, the English meaning of the word might have been influenced by the similarity of the sound to rough. Related: Ruffianly.
The Romanic words (such as Medieval Latin ruffianus, Provençal rufian, Catalan rufia, Spanish rufian) preserve the sense of “protector or owner of whores,” a sense occasionally met in English in 17c. For sense evolution in English, compare bully (n.). Related: Ruffianage; ruffianhood; ruffianism.Related entries & more
ruffian (n.)1530s,“一个喧闹、残暴的家伙,随时准备犯下任何罪行”,源自法语 rufian“皮条客”(15c.),源自意大利语 ruffiano“一个迎合者、皮条客”,来源不确定,可能来自与“rough”(形容词)相关的日耳曼语来源,但荷兰语“roffiaan”、德语“Ruffian”据说源自法语。无论其最终来源如何,该词的英语含义可能受到声音与粗糙的相似性的影响。相关: 流氓。罗马语单词(例如中世纪拉丁语 ruffianus、普罗旺斯语 rufian、加泰罗尼亚语 rufia、西班牙语 rufian)保留了“妓女的保护者或所有者”的含义,这种含义在 17 世纪的英语中偶尔会遇到。对于英语中的意义演变,请比较 bully (n.)。相关: 流氓行为;痞气;痞子主义。相关条目及更多
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