英音/ ˈɡluːmi / 美音/ ˈɡluːmi /
They were immediately plunged into a gloomy spell of soul-searching after that night at Stade de France, but they have a championship to claim next week.
President Biden enters his State of the Union speech on Thursday with an economic record that has defied forecasters’ gloomy expectations, avoiding recession while delivering stronger growth and lower unemployment than predicted.
—New York Times
With such a gloomy picture, many Kenyans are hoping that Mr Ruto will offer them relief and climb down, just as Zaccheaus eventually did when he climbed down a tree after Jesus called him.
depressingly dark
gloomful,glooming,sulky,blue,depressed,dispirited,down,down in the mouth,downcast,downhearted,grim,low,low-spirited,blue,dark,dingy,disconsolate,dismal,drab,drear,dreary,grim,sorry
Have you ever been called a Gloomy Gus? If so, you must have been acting depressed or sulky. But you aren’t the first to be called that — after all, Gloomy Gus was a comic book character who first appeared in 1904. By the 1940s, this nickname caught on, describing — and possibly adding to the misery — of those who are less happy-seeming than the people around them.
Gloomy 的意思是“黑暗而沉闷”。阴天,一首失恋的悲伤歌曲,球队输掉一场大比赛后的低落心情——这一切都可以称得上是灰暗。
Have you ever been called a Gloomy Gus? If so, you must have been acting depressed or sulky. But you aren’t the first to be called that — after all, Gloomy Gus was a comic book character who first appeared in 1904. By the 1940s, this nickname caught on, describing — and possibly adding to the misery — of those who are less happy-seeming than the people around them.
你曾被称为“忧郁格斯”吗?如果是这样,你一定表现得很沮丧或闷闷不乐。但你并不是第一个被这样称呼的人——毕竟,Gloomy Gus 是一个漫画人物,首次出现于 1904 年。到了 20 世纪 40 年代,这个绰号开始流行起来,描述了——而且可能加剧了——那些不幸的人的痛苦。看起来不如周围的人快乐。
“A gloomy wood,” according to the one playbill, was represented by a few shrubs in pots, green baize on the floor, and a cave in the distance.
—Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Her birthday is in November—the gloomiest month of the year—but that never stopped her from planning something fun.
—I Can Make This Promise by Christine Day
The mood of the group became as gloomy as Tartarus air, until Piper broke the tension.
—The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
gloomy (adj.)1580s, probably from gloom (n.) even though that word is not attested as early as this one. Shakespeare used it of woods, Marlowe of persons.
Gloomy has the figurative suggestion of physical gloom or darkness : the
gloomy man has little brightness in his mind, or he sees little light ahead. [Century Dictionary]
Gloomy Gus has been used in a general sense of “sullen person” since 1902, the name of a pessimistic and defeatist newspaper comics character introduced about that time by U.S. illustrator Frederick Burr Opper. Related: Gloomily; gloominess.Related entries & more
gloomy (adj.)1580s,可能源自 gloomy (n.),尽管这个词没有早于这个词得到证实。莎士比亚用它来形容树林,马洛则用它来形容人。阴郁有物理阴暗或黑暗的比喻暗示:阴郁的人在他的头脑中几乎没有光明,或者他看不到前方的光明。 [世纪词典] Gloomy Gus自1902年以来一直被用于一般意义上的“闷闷不乐的人”,这是美国插画家弗雷德里克·伯尔·奥珀(Frederick Burr Opper)当时介绍的一个悲观和失败主义报纸漫画人物的名字。相关: 忧郁;忧郁。相关条目及更多
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