单词详解 | detention

英音/ dɪˈtenʃn / 美音/ dɪˈtenʃn /


He’d heard from others in detention that he had a month to appeal.
Washington Times

“North Koreans forcibly repatriated are reportedly commonly subjected to torture, arbitrary detention, forced abortion, other forms of gender-based violence, and summary execution.”
Washington Times

Evan Gershkovich, an American reporter for The Wall Street Journal whom Russia accuses of espionage, appeared on Tuesday at a hearing in a Moscow court to appeal a ruling that had extended his pretrial detention.
New York Times

a state of being confined (usually for a short time)


If you’re in detention, you probably did something wrong: you’re being confined against your will. The police hold people in detention, and so do military forces. Usually, detention is a short period of confinement, like if someone is arrested and then released. Also, the word is commonly used for an after-school punishment for children who have to stay in detention instead of going home. One thing is true of both kinds of detention: no one wants to be there.

If you’re in detention, you probably did something wrong: you’re being confined against your will. The police hold people in detention, and so do military forces. Usually, detention is a short period of confinement, like if someone is arrested and then released. Also, the word is commonly used for an after-school punishment for children who have to stay in detention instead of going home. One thing is true of both kinds of detention: no one wants to be there.

“You will both do your detentions this evening.”
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets by J. K. Rowling

Once Garvey had shown up at the detention center on his day off, wearing cutoffs and a T-shirt.
Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

A bunch of kids who were in detention with my grandfather shoot him high-five signs when they pass.
The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm

detention (n.)mid-15c., detencioun, “act of keeping back or withholding,” from Old French détention (13c.) and directly from Late Latin detentionem (nominative detentio), noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin detinere “hold back, keep off” (see detain).
Sense of “confinement, restraint, state of being detained” is by 1570s (in reference to Mary Queen of Scots). In reference to “a keeping in” as a school punishment, from 1857.Related entries & more

拘留 (n.)mid-15c., detencioun,“阻止或扣留的行为”,源自古法语 détention (13c.) 并直接源自后期拉丁语 Detainem (主格 detentio),动作名词,源自拉丁语的过去分词词干detinere“阻止,阻止”(见拘留)。 “监禁、限制、被拘留的状态”的含义是在 1570 年代(指苏格兰玛丽女王)。参考 1857 年以来作为学校惩罚的“留校”。相关条目及更多

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