单词详解 | mountaineer



Sherpas, the backbone of Nepal’s climbing industry, have suffered nearly one-third of the 315 recorded deaths on Everest over the past century, according to the Himalayan Database, a mountaineering record-keeping body.
根据登山记录保存机构喜马拉雅数据库的数据,上个世纪在珠穆朗玛峰上记录的 315 名死亡人数中,有近三分之一是由夏尔巴人造成的,夏尔巴人是尼泊尔登山业的支柱。
New York Times

Nepal’s government and mountaineering community plan to celebrate Everest Day on May 29 with a parade around Kathmandu and a ceremony honoring the climbers and veteran Sherpa guides.
尼泊尔政府和登山界计划于 5 月 29 日庆祝珠穆朗玛峰日,在加德满都周围举行游行,并举行仪式纪念登山者和经验丰富的夏尔巴向导。
Washington Times

Such a feat has never been attempted in the history of Everest climbs, mountaineering experts say.
New York Times

someone who climbs mountains
n. 登山家,登山运动员;山地人

mountain climber

The term mountaineer might seem to imply a serious climber, like Tensing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary, the mountaineers who were the first, in 1953, to climb to the summit of Mt. Everest. You can also use this word, however, for a more casual hiker who does a little rock climbing and mountain hiking. In many European countries, the word alpinist is more common.

The term mountaineer might seem to imply a serious climber, like Tensing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary, the mountaineers who were the first, in 1953, to climb to the summit of Mt. Everest. You can also use this word, however, for a more casual hiker who does a little rock climbing and mountain hiking. In many European countries, the word alpinist is more common.
“登山者”一词似乎意味着认真的登山者,例如 Tensing Norgay 和 Edmund Hillary 爵士,他们是 1953 年第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰顶峰的登山者。然而,您也可以使用这个词来指代进行一些攀岩和山地徒步旅行的休闲徒步旅行者。在许多欧洲国家,登山者这个词更为常见。

Ziemer emphasized that this alarming death rate hadn’t been skewed upward by mountaineering accidents; the victims had been “just ordinary trekkers who never ventured beyond the established trails.”
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

Early the following morning Edmund Hillary, a rangy New Zealander, and Tenzing Norgay, a highly skilled Sherpa mountaineer, set out for the top breathing bottled oxygen.
第二天一早,身材魁梧的新西兰人埃德蒙·希拉里 (Edmund Hillary) 和技术精湛的夏尔巴登山家丹增·诺尔盖 (Tenzing Norgay) 出发前往山顶呼吸瓶装氧气。
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

Among mountaineers and other connoisseurs of geologic form, Everest is not regarded as a particularly comely peak.
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

mountaineer (n.)c. 1600, “native of or dweller in mountains,” from mountain + -eer or from French montanier. The verb meaning “to be a mountain-climber” is from 1803 (compare electioneer). Related: Mountaineering. Related entries & more

登山者 (n.)c. 1600,“山区的本地人或居民”,源自 mountain + -eer 或源自法语 montanier。意思是“成为一名登山者”的动词来自 1803 年(比较选举者)。相关:登山。相关条目及更多

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