He appeared relaxed at the defense table, partially removing his mask with a genial smile each time a potential juror was asked if they knew or recognized him, and periodically taking off dark-framed eyeglasses.
—Washington Post
In “Secrets of the Friendly Woods,” he wrote about nature with a mix of genial animism and psychological insight.
—Washington Post
Abandoning his usual Western clothes and genial manner, he appeared on television wearing a Mao suit.
—Washington Post
diffusing warmth and friendliness
adj. 亲切的,友好的;和蔼的;适宜的
This is mainly a word for pleasant kindness. Besides people or animals, climates and weather can be genial, which means they too are warm and sunny — good for growing things. In older literature, genial might have something to do with marriage and family, and sometimes brilliance, as in genius. Those uses are very rare nowadays, as is the sense of genial as having to do with the jaw. These days, warmth and friendliness are the main meanings.
This is mainly a word for pleasant kindness. Besides people or animals, climates and weather can be genial, which means they too are warm and sunny — good for growing things. In older literature, genial might have something to do with marriage and family, and sometimes brilliance, as in genius. Those uses are very rare nowadays, as is the sense of genial as having to do with the jaw. These days, warmth and friendliness are the main meanings.
这主要是一个愉快的善意的词。除了人或动物,气候和天气也可能是和蔼可亲的,这意味着它们也温暖而阳光明媚——有利于植物生长。在较早的文学作品中,genial 可能与婚姻和家庭有关,有时与天才有关。如今,这些用途非常罕见,就像与下巴有关的亲切感一样。如今,温暖和友善是主要含义。
This was wealth indeed!—wealth to the heart!—a mine of pure, genial affections.
—Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
With that, Mr Lewis sat back in his chair again, the genial smile returning fully to his face.
—The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
From the moment he appeared onstage in his new cabaret show at 54 Below on Thursday evening, the room crackled with his brand of genial humor and hyperawareness of the smallest nuances of personal style.
从周四晚上他在 54 Below 的新歌舞表演中出现在舞台上的那一刻起,房间里就充满了他亲切的幽默和对个人风格最小细微差别的高度关注。
—Charles Busch Claws at His Divas, but He Understands Them by Stephen Holden
genial (adj.)1560s, “pertaining to marriage,” from Latin genialis “pleasant, festive,” originally “pertaining to marriage rites,” from genius “guardian spirit,” with here perhaps a special sense of “tutelary deity of a married couple,” from PIE *gen(e)-yo-, from root *gene- “give birth, beget,” with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups. Originally used in English in the Latin literal sense; meaning “cheerful, friendly” first recorded 1746. Related: Genially.Related entries & more
genial (adj.)1560s,“与婚姻有关”,来自拉丁语 genialis “愉快的、喜庆的”,最初是“与婚姻仪式有关”,来自 genius “守护神”,这里可能有一种特殊的意义,即“已婚者的守护神” couple,”来自 PIE *gen(e)-yo-,来自词根 *gene-“生,生”,衍生词指的是生育、家庭和部落群体。最初在拉丁字面意义上用于英语;意思是“快乐、友好”,最早记录于 1746 年。相关:和蔼可亲。相关条目及更多
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