好文赏析 | 提高智力的最好方法是什么 What are the best ways to improve your intelligence?

  1. Start by learning how to connect the dots; look for similarities in everything you do.
  2. Memorize more and do point 1.)
  3. Let yourself fall into a state of mind of calmness. It’s the state of mind that allows you to stay sharp and use your full potential.
  4. Have a greater goal in mind. What is it that you’re wanting to achieve? Keep it as a motivator after having done 3.)
  5. Read more if you find the time to. Even then focus on what the author is trying to convey instead of the whole story. You’ll get faster at understanding.
  6. Don’t take things literally. Meaning, try to see things from different perspectives. Taking things literally, not seeing them for what they are, will make you less intelligent.
  7. Knowledge and insight are there to be discussed so don’t be afraid to think and see things differently.
  8. Surround yourself with people who view intelligence as fluid. Intelligence isn’t everything, and knowing that, in return, keeps you intelligent.
  9. Express gratitude in some shape or form. Truly feel it. What keeps you alive also keeps you intelligent.
  10. Stay humble. No matter how intelligent you are, if you’re not humble, you will one day come to regret that. So, stay humble, and enjoy learning.

From Quora



  1. 把点串成线,寻找事情之间的相似处,寻找因果联系,推导出可以抽象的逻辑,以便用在新遇到的事情上。

  2. 必要的时候死记硬背,然后重复第一条。记忆力也是智力的一部分。

  3. 保持心境的平和,这样能够让你头脑清醒,冲动是魔鬼。

  4. 在心中有一个强大的目标.

  5. 如果有时间就多读书,不是单单看书的文字,需要理解,需要结合人生经历。

  6. 不要从字面理解,需要从不同的角度分析理解,知乎里有个好玩的回答,连接忘记在哪了,一个女子的爸爸打电话给女子,说的有的没的,女子懂了行为背后的原因:爸爸想她了。

  7. 推荐一本书《天幕红尘》,里面叶子农有句话:见路不走。1.要能看到路(自己分析出的正确的做事方法),2.不要觉得自己的路和别人的不一样就害怕,走自己的路。

  8. 8和9有点难理解,你的理解是什么?

  9. 保持谦逊,保持低调,不要炫耀。

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