The British economist Alfred Marshall believed that the more of something you have, the less of it you want. This phenomenon is referred to as diminishing marginal utility by economists. Diminishing marginal utility refers to the phenomenon that each additional unit of gain leads to an ever-smaller increase in subjective value. For example, three bites of candy are better than two bites, but the twentieth bite does not add much to the experience beyond the nineteenth (and could even make it worse). This effect is so well established that it is referred to as the "law of diminishing marginal utility" in economics (Gossen, 1854/1983), and is reflected in the concave shape of most subjective utility functions. This refers to the increase in utility an individual gains from increasing their consumption of a particular good. "The law of diminishing marginal utility is at the heart of the explanation of numerous economic phenomena, including time preference and the value of goods … The law says, first, that the marginal utility of each homogeneous unit decreases as the supply of units increases (and vice versa); second, that the marginal utility of a larger-sized unit is greater than the marginal utility of a smaller-sized unit (and vice versa). The first law denotes the law of diminishing marginal utility; the second law denotes the law of increasing total utility."
英国经济学家阿尔弗雷德-马歇尔认为,你拥有的东西越多,你想要的东西就越少。这种现象被经济学家称为边际效用递减。边际效用递减指的是这样一种现象:每增加一个单位的收益,主观价值的增加就会越来越小。例如,吃三口糖果比吃两口好,但第二十口糖果对第十九口糖果以外的体验没有增加多少(甚至可能使它变得更糟)。这种效应是如此的成熟,以至于它在经济学中被称为 "边际效用递减法则"(Gossen, 1854/1983),并反映在大多数主观效用函数的凹形上。这指的是个人从增加对某一特定物品的消费中获得的效用增加。"边际效用递减规律是解释众多经济现象的核心,包括时间偏好和商品价值……。该定律说,首先,每个同质单位的边际效用随着单位供应的增加而减少(反之亦然);其次,较大尺寸单位的边际效用大于较小尺寸单位的边际效用(反之亦然)。
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