单词详解 | scruple

英音/ ˈskruːp(ə)l / 美音/ ˈskruːp(ə)l /


The final report of the truth commission sharply criticized Habre’s opportunism, describing him as “a man without scruples” motivated by power alone.
Seattle Times

That may reflect less a sudden case of scruples than a fear that such an outrageous act would alienate senators who will sit as the jury in Trump’s second impeachment trial.
Washington Times

Defence Minister Florence Parly said: “We must face the facts. Not everyone shares our scruples and we must be prepared for whatever the future holds.”

an ethical or moral principle that inhibits action


The noun scruple comes from a Latin word, scrupulus, which means a small, sharp stone. Some say that the philosopher Cicero first used the word analogously to compare a worry to a small, sharp stone in your shoe that bothers you. From there the word scruple took on the ethical principles meaning. If you are doing something bad, your scruples will bother you — but emptying your shoe probably won’t help.

The noun scruple comes from a Latin word, scrupulus, which means a small, sharp stone. Some say that the philosopher Cicero first used the word analogously to compare a worry to a small, sharp stone in your shoe that bothers you. From there the word scruple took on the ethical principles meaning. If you are doing something bad, your scruples will bother you — but emptying your shoe probably won’t help.
名词 scruple 来自拉丁词 scrupulus,意思是一块小而锋利的石头。有人说,哲学家西塞罗首先使用这个词来类比,将忧虑比作鞋子里一颗让你烦恼的小而锋利的石头。从那时起,“顾忌”一词就具有了道德原则的含义。如果你做了坏事,你的顾虑会困扰你——但清空你的鞋子可能不会有帮助。

“Why, indeed; he does seem to have had some filial scruples on that head, as you will hear.”
” “确实是这样;正如你会听到的,他似乎确实对此有一些孝顺的顾虑。”
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

“I was pretty much in need of them, feeling ashamed of my report, and distressed rather by Millikan’s hostility and his lack of scruple.”
Big Science by Michael Hiltzik

“He who throws away his power is filled sometimes with a far greater power,” she said, smiling, as if his fears and scruples were childish ones.
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin

scruple (n.)”moral misgiving, pang of conscience,” late 14c., scrupul, from Old French scrupule (14c.), from Latin scrupulus “uneasiness, anxiety, pricking of conscience,” also, literally, “small sharp stone,” a diminutive of scrupus “sharp stone or pebble,” used figuratively by Cicero for a cause of uneasiness or anxiety, a word of unknown etymology.
Probably the notion in the image is of a pebble in one’s shoe. The word in the classical Latin sense of “smallest unit of weight or measurement” also is attested in English from late 14c., and was given various extensions: “one minute of arc, one minute of an hour,” etc. The Latin words commonly are regarded as identical, with sense development of the latter from “small pebble” to “small weight.”Related entries & more

scruple (n.)“道德疑虑,良心的痛苦”,14世纪末,scrupul,源自古法语 scrupule (14c.),源自拉丁语 scrupulus“不安、焦虑、良心的刺痛”,字面意思也为“小尖石” ”,是 scrupus 的一个小词,意为“锋利的石头或卵石”,西塞罗用比喻来表示不安或焦虑的原因,这个词的词源不明。图像中的概念可能是鞋子里的鹅卵石。这个词在古典拉丁语中的意思是“最小的重量或测量单位”,从14世纪末开始在英语中也得到了证实,并且被赋予了各种扩展:“一弧分,一小时的一分钟”等。通常被认为是相同的,后者的意义发展从“小卵石”到“小重量”。相关条目及更多

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