英音/ kʌf / 美音/ kʌf /
That can include the use of things like belts or cuffs to restrain a pupil’s movement.
“I look for his response when there are opportunities to be off the cuff and spontaneous and he still looks good to me.”
—Washington Times
“The coloured trim on the cuffs is inspired by the training gear worn by England’s 1966 heroes, and the same colours also feature on the design on the back of the collar,” a statement said.
一份声明称:“袖口的彩色饰边灵感来自 1966 年英格兰英雄所穿的训练装备,衣领背面的设计也采用了相同的颜色。”
shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs
One kind of cuff is at the end of your sleeve or trouser leg, and another is a type of jewelry you might wear around your wrist, like a wide gold cuff. You can also use the word cuff as shorthand for handcuff, the silver kind that police officers put on suspects’ wrists during an arrest. The mid-fourteenth century version was cuffe, and it meant “mitten or glove,” from the Medieval Latin cuffia, or “head covering.
One kind of cuff is at the end of your sleeve or trouser leg, and another is a type of jewelry you might wear around your wrist, like a wide gold cuff. You can also use the word cuff as shorthand for handcuff, the silver kind that police officers put on suspects’ wrists during an arrest. The mid-fourteenth century version was cuffe, and it meant “mitten or glove,” from the Medieval Latin cuffia, or “head covering.
一种袖口位于袖子或裤腿的末端,另一种是可以戴在手腕上的珠宝,例如宽金袖口。您还可以使用“cuff”一词作为手铐的简写,手铐是警察在逮捕嫌疑人时戴在嫌疑人手腕上的银色手铐。十四世纪中叶的版本是 cuffe,意思是“连指手套或手套”,源自中世纪拉丁语 cuffia,或“头巾”。
The rubakha that day was particularly nice, even though it was much shorter than most men wore theirs, made of undyed linen with red embroidery around the sleeve cuffs and neck.
—Anya and the Nightingale by Sofiya Pasternack
He circled the Titan’s feet, bumping his head against the Titan’s pants cuffs.
—The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
She holds up her left wrist, where a device has been cuffed.
—Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston
cuff (n.)”bottom of a sleeve,” mid-14c., cuffe “hand covering, mitten, glove,” perhaps from Medieval Latin cuffia, cuphia “head covering,” which is of uncertain origin, perhaps ultimately from Greek.
Sense of “band around the sleeve” is first attested 1520s; sense of “turned-up hem of trousers” is by 1896. Meaning “a fetter for the wrist” is from 1660s. Adverbial phrase off the cuff “extemporaneously” is attested by 1938, American English colloquial, suggesting an actor or speaker reading from notes jotted on his shirt sleeves rather than reciting learned lines. Cuff-links (also cufflinks) is from 1887.Related entries & more
cuff (n.)“袖子的底部”,14世纪中期,cuffe“手套、连指手套、手套”,可能源自中世纪拉丁语 cuffia、cuphia“头套”,其起源不确定,可能最终源自希腊语。 “袖子上的带子”的感觉在 1520 年代首次得到证实; “翻起的裤子下摆”的意思是1896年出现的。意思是“手腕上的束缚”来自1660年代。即兴副词短语“即席”在 1938 年的美国英语口语中得到了证实,它暗示演员或演讲者朗读写在衬衫袖子上的笔记,而不是背诵学过的台词。袖扣(也称为袖扣)源自 1887 年。相关条目及更多
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