每日名言 | 20230626文字加音频
20230626日名言 If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied -Alfred Nobel 配套音频
20230626日名言 If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied -Alfred Nobel 配套音频
20230625日名言 He who thinks with difficulty believes with alacrity. -Ambrose Bierce 配套音频
20230624日名言 Laughter is the cure for fear.笑是恐惧的解药。 -? 配套音频
20230622日名言 Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。 -? 配套音频
20230621日名言 It is better to die for an idea that will live, than to live for an idea that will die. -Steve Biko 配套音频
20230620日名言 Hate, emotionalism and frustration are not policies. -Madeleine Albright 配套音频
20230619日名言 Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by.树林中有两条路,我选择了人迹罕至的那一条。 -? 配套音频
20230618日名言 That which does not defeat us makes us stronger.那些不能打败我们的,终将使我们更强大。 -? 配套音频
20230617日名言 One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. -Helen Keller 配套音频