月度归档: 2023 年 4 月
每日名言 | 20230406文字加音频
20230406日名言 The hallmark of the artist is simplicity -Larry Evans 配套音频
每日名言 | 20230405文字加音频
20230405日名言 Come on and let it snow!来吧,下一场雪! -? 配套音频
每日名言 | 20230404文字加音频
20230404日名言 We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. -George Orwell 配套音频
每日名言 | 20230403文字加音频
20230403日名言 Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. -U Thant 配套音频