单词详解 | commencement

英音/ kəˈmensmənt / 美音/ kəˈmensmənt /


He made his remarks at a commencement ceremony at the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, a Catholic institution.
New York Times

Following the walkout, the comedian, who has been vocal about his support for Israel, opted to take a lighter approach in his commencement speech.
New York Times

Even so, the initial reception he faced at Duke University’s commencement on Sunday reflected a more complicated audience than usual.
New York Times



The suffix -ment makes the word commencement a noun — a thing, an activity, a start. The word can be used for the beginning of anything, from a business meeting to a vacation trip to a marriage. Anything that begins has a moment of commencement. That’s why a graduation ceremony is called a commencement — a graduate is embarking on a new life, and the commencement ritual marks the official beginning of that life.

The suffix -ment makes the word commencement a noun — a thing, an activity, a start. The word can be used for the beginning of anything, from a business meeting to a vacation trip to a marriage. Anything that begins has a moment of commencement. That’s why a graduation ceremony is called a commencement — a graduate is embarking on a new life, and the commencement ritual marks the official beginning of that life.
后缀 -ment 使“开始”一词成为一个名词——一件事、一项活动、一个开始。这个词可以用于任何事情的开始,从商务会议到假期旅行再到婚姻。任何事情的开始都有一个开始的时刻。这就是为什么毕业典礼被称为毕业典礼——毕业生即将开始新的生活,毕业典礼标志着新生活的正式开始。

The usual time for the commencement of the school year is three or four days after the “Feast of Lanterns,” which takes place about the middle of February.
Sidelights on Chinese Life by Macgowan, J. (John)

I have merely to ask questions,” replied Digby; “yet, perhaps that may be the best commencement.
The Smuggler: (Vol’s I-III)
A Tale by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)

The recent commencement ceremony for the senior class of 1918 was a momentous occasion and certainly brought back fond memories of my own graduation last year.
最近举行的 1918 年高年级毕业典礼是一个重要的时刻,当然也勾起了我去年毕业的美好回忆。
Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool

commencement (n.)late 13c., “a beginning, act or fact of coming into existence,” from Old French comencement “beginning, start” (Modern French commencement), from comencier “to begin, to start” (see commence).
Meaning “school graduation ceremony” attested by 1850, American English, originally in colleges, in reference to the ceremonies by which members of the graduating class are made (“begin to be”) bachelors, masters, etc. (commencement in the sense of “entrance upon the privileges of a master or doctor in a university” is from late 14c.) ; thence extended to graduation ceremonies of academies and lower schools.

I know what you are thinking of — the class members grouped in a semicircle on the stage, the three scared boys in new ready-made black suits, the seventeen pretty girls in fluffy white dresses (
the gowns of the year), each senior holding a ribbon-tied manuscript bulging with thoughts on “Beyond the Alps Lies Italy,” “Our Ship is Launched — Whither Shall it Sail?” and similar topics. [Charles Moreau Harger, “The Real Commencement,” New Outlook, May 8, 1909]
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开始(n.)late 13c.,“开始,存在的行为或事实”,源自古法语comencement“开始,开始”(现代法语开始),源自comencier“开始,开始”(参见开始) 。意思是“学校毕业典礼”,1850年证实,美式英语,最初在大学中,指毕业班成员获得(“开始”)学士、硕士学位等的仪式。 “进入大学硕士或博士的特权”是从 14c 后期开始。);此后扩展到学院和初级学校的毕业典礼。我知道你在想什么——班上的同学在舞台上围成半圆,三个穿着新做好的黑色套装的害怕的男孩,十七个穿着蓬松白色连衣裙(年度礼服)的漂亮女孩,每个高年级学生都拿着一份系着丝带的手稿充满了对“意大利超越阿尔卑斯山”、“我们的船已下水——将驶往何处?”的思考。和类似的主题。 [查尔斯·莫罗·哈格 (Charles Moreau Harger),“真正的开始”,新展望,1909 年 5 月 8 日] 相关条目及更多内容

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