英音/ ˈsliːzi / 美音/ ˈsliːzi /
The sleaziest politicians were rewarded with greater power.
—Washington Times
Cory Michael Smith is sufficiently sleazy as the Jane Collective doctor who is only in it for the money — and may not, in fact, be a physician at all.
科里·迈克尔·史密斯(Cory Michael Smith)饰演的简集体医生非常卑鄙,他只是为了钱而从事这行——事实上,他可能根本就不是一名医生。
—Washington Post
National Democrats have also jumped into the race, portraying Mr. Morse in TV ads as “another sleazy politician.”
—New York Times
morally degraded
Sleazy originally meant flimsy, but nowadays it’s only used to describe morally degraded people or places. Usually it refers to sexual behavior, but it is often associated with people trying to swindle others as well. It’s not as bad as perverse or criminal, which suggest that a line has been crossed. But sleazy people make you feel uncomfortable, for sure.
Sleazy originally meant flimsy, but nowadays it’s only used to describe morally degraded people or places. Usually it refers to sexual behavior, but it is often associated with people trying to swindle others as well. It’s not as bad as perverse or criminal, which suggest that a line has been crossed. But sleazy people make you feel uncomfortable, for sure.
Sleazy 最初的意思是脆弱的,但现在它只用来形容道德败坏的人或地方。通常它指的是性行为,但也常常与试图欺骗他人的人联系在一起。它并不像反常或犯罪那么糟糕,后者表明已经跨越了界限。但肮脏的人肯定会让你感到不舒服。
“And I don’t mean that in a sleazy way I just mean you really look nice.”
—When I Was the Greatest by Jason Reynolds
Another night of lifting wallets and another day of sleep and Jule was ready to buy an inconspicuous used car off a sleazy guy in a parking lot.
—Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart
This pretense, this sleazy imitation of your old room is wrong.
—Moment of Truth by Wells, Basil
sleazy (adj.)1640s, of textile fabric, “downy, fuzzy,” later “flimsy, unsubstantial” (1660s), a word of unknown origin. One theory is that it is a corruption of Silesia, the German region, where thin linen or cotton fabric was made for export. Silesia, in reference to cloth, is attested in English from 1670s; and sleasie, sleazy as an abbreviated form is attested from late 17c., but OED finds the evidence to be against “any original connexion.” The sense of “sordid, squalid” is from 1941. Related: Sleazily; sleaziness.
Slesie linnen, so calld becaus brought from the province of Silesia, or as the Germans call it
Schlesia, wher the capital city Breslaw is maintaind by this manufacture, which is the chief if not the only merchandize of that place.” [from notes on Lansdowne manuscripts by antiquarian Bishop White Kennett (1660-1728), quoted in Halliwell]
A day is a more magnificent cloth than any muslin, the mechanism that makes it is infinitely cunninger, and you shall not conceal the sleazy, fraudulent, rotten hours you have slipped into the piece, nor fear that any honest thread, or straighter steel, or more inflexible shaft, will not testify in the web. [Emerson, “The Conduct of Life,” 1860]
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sleazy (adj.)1640s,纺织面料,“柔软的,模糊的”,后来的“脆弱的,不实体的”(1660s),一个来源不明的词。一种理论认为,这是德国西里西亚地区的腐败,该地区生产薄亚麻或棉织物用于出口。 Silesia(西里西亚)指的是布料,自 1670 年代起就在英语中得到证实; sleasie,sleazy 作为缩写形式从 17 世纪末就得到证实,但《牛津英语词典》发现证据反对“任何原始联系”。 “sordid, squalid” 一词源自 1941 年。肮脏。 “Slesie linnen,之所以如此称呼,是因为从西里西亚省运来,或者德国人称之为 Schlesia,那里的首都布雷斯瓦夫就是由这种制造商维持的,这是该地方的主要商品,即使不是唯一的商品。” [摘自古董学家怀特·肯尼特主教(Bishop White Kennett,1660-1728)对兰斯当手稿的注释,哈利韦尔引述]一天是比任何平纹细布都更华丽的布料,制作它的机制无限狡猾,你不应该隐瞒卑鄙、欺诈的行为。 ,你已经滑入这件作品的腐烂时间,也不必担心任何诚实的线,或更直的钢,或更不灵活的轴,不会在网上作证。 [艾默生,《生命的行为》,1860 年] 相关条目及更多内容
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